I would appreciate anyone’s thoughts on this. I take lifelong warfarin as I have factor v Leiden and have done for 13 yrs. I am now going into the menopause and suffering a lot of the symptoms associated with it and feel dreadful. I want to see if anyone has taken any sort of hormone replacement therapy, I know I can’t take it orally but wondered if patches were suitable. Any thoughts or experiences would be much appreciated.
Hrt and Warfarin: I would appreciate... - Anticoagulation S...
Hrt and Warfarin

I think you need to speak to the haematology specialists about this.I recently had a lovely 30 minutes phone conversation with them.
Good luck!
Thanks for replying. My doctor has spoken to haematology and it’s a bit fat NO! However after researching menopause online and listening to experts and podcasts etc... there are medications out there. I believe as I’m an unusual case and investigations are required they do not know what to do with me.
Hi, I take bio HRT and am on warfarin for life as have a mechanical heart valve. I have taken Estrogel, Utrogestan and AndroFeme for the last 3 years. No menopausal symptoms and I feel great. No problems with my warfarin levels either. Good luck with getting your hormones sorted out.
Hi Donnac70
I am on lifelong Apixaban for clots of unknown cause, 5 years now. For the last 2 years I have been using HRT , topical estradiol and micronised progesterone capsules.
I realise that my situation is very different to yours, I'm not on Warfarin for a start. I am not under a consultant for my blood clotting issues and there was reluctance from my GP to even mention the word menopause as the cause of my heath issues, so I went private to have a discussion about it. It was my view that I am on medications that stop me from clotting and therefore if there is any increased risk it is unlikely to be an issue for me. The research on HRT needs careful consideration as it is a contentious issue.
Life was unbearable pre HRT so I didn't have any issues making the decision to take it. After about a month of the lowest dose my flushes of 9 years duration disappeared. I use a topical gel which is what I was started on for controllability and still use. There is a new skin spray that delivers the equivalent of 2 pumps of the gel, available on the NHS. There are also patches of course, I can't talk about those as I haven't looked into them. The progesterone can also be delivered via a coil.
As moo196 says, speak to your team and have a look at the British Menopause Society website for info and links. Also the 'Balance' menopause app may be useful. Good luck
Thanks so much for your reply - I really appreciate it.
Your situation is quite similar to mine as we had recurrent blood clots and take medication to prevent them. My doctors sees me as more of a risk because of the increase risk of clots taking HRT even though I take warfarin to reduce that risk.
I’m pleased to hear you’re taking a form of HRT which has greatly relieved your symptoms - that’s all I want.....
I will look on the websites you mentioned, I have been following The Menopause Doctor who has a private clinic- I may go down this route. She was saying the effects of menopause can be so debilitating that not taking anything to help can be of greater risk than taking HRT - depression, no sleep, weight gain, brain fog....etc
Thank you for your time, it’s been a great help.
I am familiar with the Dr you mention. Been to the clinic Good luck X
Thanks for getting in touch Sue. I’ve spoken to my doctor and she is referring me to our hospital gynae team which unfortunate has a huge waiting list. Do you think the clinic would be able to help me and how was you experience if you don’t mind me asking? Thank you
I too have factor v Leiden and have taken warfarin for over 21 years now and will be taking it for the rest of my life. I started the menopause at approx 50 years old, I knew I couldn’t have HRT so I made sure I ate well, slept well and exercised regularly, as there was so many other events going on in my life at that time (births, deaths and marriages) I didn’t have too much time to dwell on it, I still get hot flushes or ‘tropical moments’ as I call them but let’s face it, as women, we just get on with it! Can’t pretend it was easy but I survived! 😀
Hi, I’m so happy you have managed you menopausal symptoms well and have adjusted your life accordingly.
I have suffered hormonally my whole adult life, I had to have IVF to have my daughter as my hormones were all over the place. I don’t just want to put up with this and if there is anything that can help me then I’ll take it. Thanks for taking the time to reply
I have been on hrt patches for 2 years and am on warfarin for life and have had no issues since starting the hrt.It was my haematologist who suggested it and wrote to my GP so they would issue it .
Thanks for taking the time to let me know Sue - it is appreciated. It seems there is something out there for me so I will definitely follow this up.
Hi everyone, I'm 41, on thinners for life due to PE's 5 months ago. 2 things make me nervous, reclotting while on meds and also bleeds.. how do you manage these worries? Also my periods are so heavy and terrible, I know menopause is a way off for me. What are the symptoms you guys are having? How long does menopause syndrome last?
I have had more blood clots while on blood thinners. I also bled internally and through my stomach muscles, I have a mesh inserted so to stop clots from traveling to my heart.
Wow, what caused the clots and what caused the bleeding? Are u still on meds?
Warfarin caused my stomach to bleed inside and in my stomach muscles. In a week my stomach bloated out like a 9 month pregnant lady. It was painful. I had a large hematoma on my left side. I was hospitalized for 10 days and lost 50 lbs of fluid. That's why I hate warfarin. It's dangerous and it's rat poison and it's hard to have a normal life on it. I couldn't walk more than 7 steps or if faint.
Hi I’m on life long warfarin due to clot and APS. Was previously taking progesterone for 20 years to stop my periods after awful problems with endometriosis - it’s been fantastic - was begging for a hysterectomy. Just being referred to gyne to try to work out how to stop the hormones as both haeme and gyne worried about major bleeding when I stop.😟
Hi there. This may not help you as your circumstances are different but it was a good solution for me. My blood pressure has always been high normal and when I hit menopause my main symptoms were debilitating migraine headaches, mood swings depression exhaustion lack of sleep horrendous sweats. I was prescribed a beta blocker - atenolol - which immediately sorted all the symptoms bar the hot flushes which seemed a bit better and became manageable with water sprays, cotton clothing etc. I’m not sure if atenolol etc are ever prescribed where there is no raised blood pressure but it is worth googling. I am now through the menopause and not taking it.