Does the Corona vaccine cause any problems with people on blood thinners.I am on Rivaroxoban and have been for 4 years.
blood thinners.: Does the Corona... - Anticoagulation S...
blood thinners.

They say not. Mind you, it'll be a few months before most of us qualify for the jab, anyway, so I expect by then they'll know all about any unexpected hiccups. may be able to answer your specific question.
Nhs website has more info on each specific vaccine. Scroll down to the links under ‘how safe is the covid 19 vaccine’
In short:
The Pfizer says it shouldn’t be given to anyone on anticoagulants
The other 2 types say it cannot be given subcutaneously (like the flu jab is) so if the risk of catching covid out weighs the risk of bleeding then it can go ahead but care must be taken.
I’m going to keep an eye on the literature and ask my gp when I get the go ahead.
Three weeks ago I had my first jab the "Jabber" asked me if I was on any medication that might cause bleeding. I said I was on warfarin and showed her the very bruised back of my hand, the jabber said is the inr reading ok, I said 2.4, which was acceptable to her ..... so I was jabbed! Don't worry but mention it, and this reply. There is one other thing that I hope is of interest to you; I've been on warfarin for almost thirty years, that's a third of my life to date.
I had the Astra Zeneca vaccine and was ill for two days after. I told the doctor I was on Apixaban so was injected with a finer needle and didn’t bleed or have a heavy arm or soreness around the site
On 5mg daily Apixaban and had my Pfizer jab this week. Didn’t feel a thing, no bleed, no external bruise. Arm a tad achy on day two elsewise, feel ok. Viva the NHS