I have been on Xarelto for the last 3 years, recently had a chest xray and it revealed a scar where my blood clot was in my lung, has anyone else heard of this
scarring: I have been on Xarelto for... - Anticoagulation S...
Hi there. Yes, it is quite common but most people don’t know they have it as they are not routinely given a follow up x ray or scan after having a clot. In rare cases the scarring can take the form of fibrous ‘webs’ in the pulmonary arteries. I was told scarring and webbing is more likely to form the longer the clots were in the lungs before being treated. It is only a problem if it is causing problems with the blood flow from the heart or is in a place where it is blocking an important artery in the lung. It might be an idea to ask for a heart scan if you didn’t recently have one, just to check there is no strain on the heart. In my case I was told that it is a risk factor for recurrent clots so lifelong anticoagulation was advised though of course, everyone is different.
I have scarring on my lungs also, they say your body absorbs the clots but not always.