My coumadin flex a lot don't no why just in a few days I went from 8.3 to 2.9 can someone help me regulate
Help with my inr: My coumadin flex a... - Anticoagulation S...
Help with my inr

Is coumadin like warfarin?(If not ignore rest of this post). I've had fluctuations on sintrom which also acts on vit K but nothing that extreme!
Check out foods high in Vit K here:
Maybe you were eating more vit K rich foods without realising? Or lots of alcohol could upset INR. Sorry - no expert (see my post below on same subject for some more views).
At least at 2.9 you're within the 2-3 INR range which keeps more clotting at bay - maybe it's better to have too high than too low? You should seek some proper medical advice if it continues to yo yo so much & you cant identify a reason
If your INR was 8.3 then your doctor will have stopped your coumadin completely for at least two or three days, and that will have caused your INR to drop back to normal range. If your INR was fluctuating wildly before this episode then your doctors will want to talk to you about the many factors that can affect this. Unfortunately they can't offer you the choice of using one of the newer drugs, which are not licensed for use with mechanical heart valves.

Thank you they only took me off one day now my inr level is 4.9 this is so confusing nothing has change in my diet or medication
If your INR is still high at 4.9 then I'm assuming your doctor will have decided to miss out another dose? Can you tell me what your target INR is?

3.9 is what it's suppose to be and they told me tonight to start 7 mg for the coumadin and bloodwork Thursday the other thing is I'm losing a lot of weight fast as well and I have blood in my eyes doctors don't seem to be concern
Do you actually see your doctor for the coumadin regulation? I only ask as here in Spain we see a nurse who emails off the result to haematology at the hospital who email back dosage for following weeks. Sounds like you should ask a doctor for a full blown blood test to see if anything else is going on
I was told no vitamin k or greens is that true. While on coumadin
Found out what cause my coumadin went hay wire they found a Nogel on my small intestine and one. On my colon a d a tumor 8 inches long 6 inches wide in schuedule for surgery April 2