I am my own barometer.
Only I know how much pain or discomfort I am experiencing.
Approximately 30 years ago I had Major Back Surgery which was successful I'm pleased to report.
Before my operation my eminent specialist surgeon said to me.
I (the surgeon) cannot know the level of pain "I" ( the patient ) is experiencing,
only you (the patient) can decide the pain is so intolerable enough to warrant surgery.
Surgery of any capacity should not be under any circumstances be undertaken lightly as it is not a "given" that you (the patient) will be better of at the end of the operation.
Personally prier to my back operation I was in major discomfort like 20 out of 10 to the point if the surgeon had a gun I might have considered using it.
However my surgeon had serious issues whilst I was on the operating table he discovered possible life altering issues to the point what should have been a one hour op turned into a six hour op.
Its a cold thought sometimes you can actually aggravate your condition more by having the operation or worst still end up in a wheel chair.
Also & despite how many MRI, CAT scans etc you have prier to your op your surgeon can only fully appreciate the gravity of your health issue once you are under sedation & you are out of it.
On a slightly different note. I am a staunch believer of the NHS.
Learn from other people's dilemmas.
My own sister has private health insurance & has had many serious operations.
I'm not saying she didn't need them but think to yourself being a self employed theatre surgeon is in effect like any other business eg the more operation he does the richer he will be. Its your body & your call.
I personally have two slipped discs were there is no magic formula.
I now do 30 - 40 mins yoga & Pilates at home every morning.
I also attend two yoga & one Pilates class per week, have a personal trainer, iv also lost two stone in weight, go 4 /5 mile walk everyday are mind full of what I eat.
Easy diet: Eat what you want, just consume less & cut our or greatly reduce the amount of fatty foods you usually eat. worked for me & a mate of mine has lost 12 stone on this diet, yes he was all of 26 plus stone when he began.