I have been advised to move from Warfarin to another anticoagulant. I have been referred back to the haematologist - does anybody have experience of the "new" drugs?
New Anticiagulation Drugs: I have been... - Anticoagulation S...
New Anticiagulation Drugs
Hi, not really. For my condition we discussed the possibility of using newer anticoagulant but as it is non reversible in an emergency we decided to stick to the tried and tested old fashioned warfarin.
I think if you look back on here there are some comments about side effects and benefits.
Hi Sam,
I'm on the transplant list so may need a reversal at short notice, it seems old fashioned warfarin will have to do for me.
I know a few people who have changed and are happy with not having to have the regular checks that comes with warfarin.
I had a bad reaction to a new anti-coagulant, but that is just me, others may prefer it.
I had atrial fibrillation and some heart disease which is in the family. The consultant cardiologist suggested I tried the new Dabigatran anticoagulant which needs no monitoring. This was over two years ago and I have had no side effects at all. My brothers are still on Warfarin. I take 110 mg twice a day.
I have been on Apixaban for just over six months which is one of the "new" anticoagulants. I am a pensioner and was initially given a dose which I felt was too high (I used to feel lightheaded as though I was going to faint) and I have now settled on half the original dosage. I feel absolutely fine on this new dosage and do not suffer any untoward symptoms.
I have been on Apixaban for around 18 months with no side effects and would recommend it.
I was on rivaroxaban for 11 months and wouldn't recommend it at all.
Hello I'm on rivoxaban & seem to have lots of sideaffects , think they my change me but not until Feb, could you tell me what you had?
Thanks Emma xx
Mainly gastric problems (which I've heard now are a relatively common side effect, but at the time in 2014 I wasn't aware of), bleeding problems, and may or may not have contributed to a CAPS incident after being on the drug almost a year. It's always hard to tell with these things though.
I've been to the gp & hes ageeed to put me on clexane until I see the hemeatoligst as the pain has been awful & caused great anixity , they may try apixiban praying it's better , thanks for your reply x
HI I've got factor 5 leiden a blood clotting abnormality.I am 45 years old, I've had three blood clots now, the last one was very large the whole of my thigh was clotted .
I went onto warfarin for lifetime but my inr wouldn't stable there fore I changed to rivoxaban I can honestly say the only thing that has changed for me ate my monthlys I'm now very heavy with being on the blood thinners apart from that I feel fine.
I have a liver function test done every 6 months.
It's weird not having to have check ups but it suits me fine.
Have you asked about a Merina coil? I had very heavy monthlies but this coil contains a hormone that slows them to more normal or in many cases stops them altogether! If you want to try for a family at some point you simply have it removed. Works great for me!
I've got to becareful as I can't take nothing with estrogen as this thickens my blood.
Since starting the rivoxaban my periods are so heavy it's terrible.
Had exactly the same problem but was able to use the merina coil as its such a tiny amount of the hormone. Worth talking to your doc n finding out if it mihht work for you. Good luck xx
Thank I will definitely consider this
HI, are you taking blood thinners? I'm on them for life.
Yes im on warfarin for life...been on them for 18yrs so far with no probs apart from the heavy monthlies which the merina coil sorted thank goodness!
Thanks to all of you who sent me their thoughts, very much appreciated. I was taken off Warfarin yesterday and started Dabigatran Etexilate 150mg twice daily. Time will tell if it is the right way forward I guess.
I have come off of warfarin and now I'm on Pradaxa which seems to suit me better.No side effects. I have put myself on a no wheat diet,mostly cut out bread and have gluten free crisp bread . My stomach feels much more comfortable.