Is depression something that is common in dealing with AMN? It hasn’t been bad until recently, but it has grown to an unhealthy point. I emailed my PCP just now to have her get me in to see someone. There are some marital problems that are compounding it, but it all relates back to AMN. And having no one I can pick up the phone and call about any of it.
Depression : Is depression something that is... - AMN EASIER

Quite a few of us have reported depression, including myself. I spent a couple of months on Zoloft a couple of years back. That, and alcohol therapy. This disease could grind anyone down.
I keep a very close eye on myself these days, touch wood.

Have you tried the obvious i.e. antidepressants? I have a friend with Parkinson's and he has suffered from depression for a long time and antidepressants seem to work.
You're right to seek help with this. Being depressed when you have AMN as well cannot be fun.
Have you thought of having a regular Skype call to anther AMN-er? Even though I am six hours away, I'd be happy to Skype or Facebook you sometime.
Hi Equinney,
Yes, depression is common with AMN and other chronic conditions. Years ago, I attended a ULF conference and one seminar was led by David Edwin at Johns Hopkins University called "Managing Emotional and Behavioral Disturbance in Neurologic Illness". He said there are Four Perspectives on Illness: Disease (What the person has); Behavior (What the person does); Dimension (Who the person is); and Life Story (What the person encounters-and what it means.) When I filed for SSDI and Long Term Disability, I had already been diagnosed with depression years ago and still today, I continue to work with a therapist using cognitive behavior therapy (you are what you think) along with prescribed medication. Please don't feel alone or not ask for help. You have additional stress and coupled with AMN, it is understandable that your depression may appear to be magnified. Like Chris said, you're right to seek help.
I wish you relief.
I have a long history of depression way back before any symptoms of AMN, and I find they are worsening again...not just depression but agitation and anxiety and irritability. I don’t think it’s due to a psychological issue or dealing with my AMN but it feels like something is just not quite “right” in my brain...out of whack...I don’t tolerate meds...and I do best with a super clean healthy diet, juicing and exercise...all of which seem nearly impossible to do when dealing with the depression in the first place.
I try to look for adaptogen supplements and those have helped somewhat in the past but now everything seems to give me a migraine 🤕
I’d agree, seeing a counselor/therapist and considering medication might be helpful. Newer studies are showing that excess glutamate may be a target for depression/anxiety and some of the medications used off label that have that effect (some are for seizures, bipolar or Parkinson’s, etc). May help with depression while also being neuroprotective.
Sorry for the novel...I hope you feel better soon.