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Memory Health: Alzheimer's Support Group

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I'll Be There

I heard a new, to me, song a few days ago called Even Though I’m Leav...
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Me and my blank mind

Unfortunately, I seem to have hit another bump in the road concerning my writing...
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Living the life given you

Where has my life gone? The one that Karen and I had always planned for as...
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I’m so glad the deep recesses of my mind are a happy place

As I’ve mentioned before, I love sitting outside on the deck, listening to the f...
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Weighted Blankets

As my dementia has progressed my level of anxiety has increased as well. A few y...
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Thinking of my eventual demise

How will I handle my death when the time comes? This is a question that ...
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Article on anesthesia and cognitive impairment

Hey guys, I found this today and thought it important enough to share. Hope it h...
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I'll never be able to repay her

My wife/caregiver, Karen, has had bronchitis for just over a week and is fin...
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Nature’s Renewal for Dementia

Hello all, this will be a short one. I just wanted to try and trumpet the value ...
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Are My Eyes Deceiving Me?...Yes!

Hey gals and guys, I today I wanted to relay a strange new occurrence, one that’...
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Reminded of my mother again

I don't know why but I seem to be fol...
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Brothers from another mother

Jeff and I feel we are descending into a darkness from which we may not return....
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It’s not easy being a houseplant

If you know someone with dementia, you may have wondered why they sometimes wand...
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I don’t know how to help

Monday morning started out fairly typically. We had our cereal for breakfast, Ka...
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Party Time?

One of the things that I truly despise about this walk with my unwelcome friend ...
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Do we understand

For the caregivers out there, what do you believe your understanding of the deme...
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Of late, my mind has been inundated with analogies for the process demented mind...
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The Look In My Mother’s Eyes

I remember the look in my mother’s eyes. She was standing in the middle of a gro...
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One More Change To Add To The List

Approximately a year ago, I became aware that I was quickly becoming unable to m...
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Feelings of worthlessness (Redux)

*Disclaimer- this is a post I placed on another site in late ‘16, Early ‘17. I h...
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The Anatomy of Completing A Task While Demented

Apparently, sometime during the night, I decided to rearrange the plastic contai...
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Changes Can be Good

I’ve never actually been a person who is moved to tears by random exhibits of lo...
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For approximately the past month or month and a half, I have been in a continual...
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A Turtle on its Back

I had a rather unsettling event occur last night as I was sleeping. As I’ve ment...
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Time is Slipping

I’ve known for some time, and have written about it several times in posts to th...
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Having A Good Week

This has been a good week. The weather, for the most part, has been warm and bea...
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Let’s Give Praise To The True Victims Of Dementia

For what it’s worth, I believe the true victims of dementia are those who are ca...
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Meet Oscar

I would like to make today’s post a little different. I don’t want to have the n...
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Old Friends/Keeping Up Appearances

As some of you may have noticed, or maybe not, that’s neither here nor there,...
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Entering Another Phase

For the first 58 years of my life I have thoroughly enjoyed eating. To the point...
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