You people should be so happy that you can't hear me right now because I'm belting out the song, l'm So Excited, and I really can't sing at all. What's the occasion? I've been reasonably clear today. I was able to power wash the bird do off the swing my granddaughter loves to lie and read in. Then I washed a couple of sections of the fence in our back yard in preparation to stain it. And on top of that, I power washed half of our lower concrete deck and got the winter yuck off of it.
Now this took me all day, as opposed to the leisurely morning it used to take, and every bit of concentration I had, but I did it and I made no major mistakes. This is a major accomplishment. I am very happy. And tired. It means I can still complete a task I set before myself, I still have purpose, something to do of value other than shift about in others' way, intruding in their purpose. It feels good. It's something to hold onto for awhile. And take the opportunity to utilize my poor singing voice!
Til next time.