What do I do with my wig in terms of washing it with regards to the situation with the CVirus? Should I wash it daily? I work at a hospital. Any advice would be much appreciated!
Thank you
What do I do with my wig in terms of washing it with regards to the situation with the CVirus? Should I wash it daily? I work at a hospital. Any advice would be much appreciated!
Thank you
sorry Flamingo32 youasked this question ages ago and nobody has been able to respond. I do hope you found the answer from another source. I would think unless someone sneezed or coughed over you and your wig you should be okay but you may want to increase all hygiene procedures just to be on the safe side. I am not sure that I have any experience or qualification to answer your question but I hope the above helps you.
Hi Flamingo 32, yeah, I would probably wash it every evening. In fact, I would take it in the shower with me and give it a wash while I was in there. If it’s synthetic that virus can probably live on it for 3 days. It does mean your wig will probably wear out faster with all that washing though, I’m just guessing as I’ve never had one- yet