Wigs: Hi everyone, what are the NHS wigs like? I... - Alopecia UK

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Angep profile image
27 Replies

Hi everyone, what are the NHS wigs like? I bought one privately when I started to lose my hair. It cost £400 and it’s not real hair. I went to Dermatology last week and was gives a prescription for 2 wigs.as you have to pay up front I’m a bit unsure if it’s worth spending more money if they’re not very good?? I’m completely bald now and lost all my hair within a 3 month period!!! I’m trying to teach myself how to draw eyebrows at the minute too!!! I’d appreciate any advice thankyou 😁

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Angep profile image
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27 Replies
Foss profile image

Hi, I’ve had them for some years now and they use Browns at Guys and St Thomas which are great.

Depends what sort of style you’re after of course. I’d give it a try.


Angep profile image
Angep in reply to Foss

Right thankyou very much😁I shall look into it. I was a bit reluctant because you have to pay up front before anyone will see you to discuss a wig and having just paid £400 for one I didn’t want to spend more money incase they weren’t very good so thankyou for that😁

Foss profile image
Foss in reply to Angep

If it’s your first ask for one on NHS you should be seen by a wig specialist who will advise you. You get two wigs per year and pay about half the price on prescription. You shouldn’t pay up front either.

Can I ask where you live?


Kittykat2 profile image
Kittykat2 in reply to Foss

Hi Foss can you explain how the NHs thing works.

Ive already seen a derm and had biopsies awaiting results.

Does the derm give you the prescription or your GP?

Do you pay for prescription....mine are free normally due to age and thyroid.

When do they deem it time for a wig does it have to be pretty bad.

When you get the prescription do you get a list of suppliers for nhs.

Im in the north.

Sorry so many questions x

Foss profile image
Foss in reply to Kittykat2

Hi Kittykat2

I get my prescription from the Dermatologist, it’s for two wigs per year. I pay about £160 for the two, both acrylic. Easy to wash and dry, shake it and put it back on!

I don’t get a list of suppliers because Guys hospital have their own wig department, but they should be able to point you in the right direction. If not try googling NHS wig suppliers in your area.

Good luck


Kittykat2 profile image
Kittykat2 in reply to Foss

Thanks for the information Foss .X

Angep profile image
Angep in reply to Foss

Well I was given a prescription for 2 wigs and they told me I had to pay first before I got an appointment!!

Kittykat2 profile image
Kittykat2 in reply to Angep

You mean they wanted you to pay for the wigs before you got appointment to see any etc??

Doesnt sound good !

Angep profile image
Angep in reply to Kittykat2

Yes they do!! So I’m a bit reluctant because they want me to pay before I’ve seen them I just find it a bit odd!!!

Kittykat2 profile image
Kittykat2 in reply to Angep

Very odd .....no way would I pay for something like that up front!

Maybe google nhs wig prescriptions might have some info online to read.

Where are you supposed to pay...... A wig shop through the hospital?

Angep profile image
Angep in reply to Foss

I live in the midlands now

Angep profile image

After I had my appointment with the dermatologist she gave me the prescription and told me to go back to reception to fill in a form with my details. She then said you have to pay first the the lady who does the wigs will give you a call. She said I could either see her at the cancer unit at the hospital and if I didn’t want to do that then I could travel about an hour somewhere else. I brought the forms home and haven’t taken them back yet because I’m just not comfortable with it. I get free prescriptions due to my colostomy bag but I don’t get free wigs. I don’t mind paying but I’d like to see what I’m paying for first🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ I don’t have any problems what so ever going to the cancer unit either. Luckily I don’t have cancer I have crohns.

Kittykat2 profile image
Kittykat2 in reply to Angep

All sounds wrong to me.Did she mean you pay at reception and then the wig lady would call you?

Did you find out how much up front.

I thought all the wigs were different prices depending on what you chose.

Lots of wig places take nhs prescriptions and I read you ring maybe make appointment and the prescription is taken into account towards your wig.

Maybe im really wrong........ going to try find out.

I know some are run through the hospital and sometimes only use one or two wig people..

Im bit baffled to be honest .

Wig places ive looked at online a lot of them say accept nhs prescriptions !!

Angep profile image
Angep in reply to Kittykat2

I have to pay at reception then they arrange an appointment!!! It’s £71 for the acrylic wig which i paid £400 for privately because I knew I was losing my hair so quickly that by the time my appt at Dermatology came through I’d be bald which I was. Full human hair wig is 275. However there are many different types I found out when I bought mine. I’m glad I’ve got one it’s very good but it itches like mad and is very hot!! I imagine summer is a problem🙈🙈I wear a hat mostly and just wear my wig to go to work and spect occasions 😁😂

Angep profile image
Angep in reply to Kittykat2

Trouble is no one tells you very much, you have to be so pro active with your health and find out for yourself if you can, I have replied to your previous message sorry it took so long!!! Work and all that goes with it 😁

Kittykat2 profile image
Kittykat2 in reply to Angep

Suppose 71 is cheaper than 400 but still wrong to have to pay upfront.

Mabe its a stylist supplier through hospital.

Cant find much online about it at mo but will keep looking.

You have great attitude to your hair loss.

Wish I was same ....along with all my other stuff its very depressing and causing great anxiety.X

Angep profile image
Angep in reply to Kittykat2

The thing is I nearly died 2 years ago, my bowel perforated and I had a huge abscess they thought I had cancer:tumour. Once they opened me up they removed half my colon and I have a colostomy bag. My left lung collapsed and I was in hospital 3 weeks. After tests they told me it was crohns. They didn’t get it all out and it was still active. 2 years later my hair fell out, it’s been traumatic and I’ve cried quite a bit!! Eyebrows and eyelashes are worse for me anyway 😬 so I’ve had to have the attitude that I give in and let it beat me or I look for the positive in every day and that’s what I’ve chosen to do!!! I do have the odd wobble trust me!! 😁😂but I won’t give up on myself. I’m sorry for you because it’s not easy and I hope things get better eventually 😁🤞after all as they say up North I’m still on the right side of the turf 😁I’m around if I can help at all. Let me know if you find out any more!! I haven’t had time to decide weather to go and get one yet xx

Kittykat2 profile image
Kittykat2 in reply to Angep

Very inspiring and great strength👍🏻❤️.

Will stay in touch...... let us know what you decide.

Im curious about the wig NHS situation.

Im waiting results of biopsy so will let you know X

loobylou122 profile image
loobylou122 in reply to Angep

Hi There, I have had my wigs from the hospital on four occasions and they have been brilliant, I book an appointment with the wig specialist then try on some wigs which they hold stock of for size, style and colour and also quite a few books to browse through then you order which one you like and if it's not what you want you do not have to buy it. It's only when you like it and want it that you pay for it at least that's how I did mine last time I went two years ago don't know if things have changed since then. Hope this helps. As for your Eyebrows I have had mine micro bladed and it was the best thing I have ever done and need to go back next month to get a top up. Hope everything gets sorted for you and good luck. x

Angep profile image
Angep in reply to loobylou122

Hi I’ve now got 3 wigs😁the one I bought privately and 2 from NHS. The NHS wigs are fabulous I’m really happy with them. I’ve recently had my eyebrows microbladed too and had the top up👌I’ve even learned how to put on false eyelashes too so 👏👏👏my son is getting married on Saturday so I’m all sorted for that now. Just have to try really hard not to cry because my eyelashes will fall off and land on my shoes 🙈🙈😂😂thanks for your reply.

loobylou122 profile image
loobylou122 in reply to Angep

Oh how lovely glad everything is getting better for you and something to look forward too on Saturday have a lovely day hope all goes well.:-) x

Angep profile image
Angep in reply to loobylou122

Bless you, thankyou 😁x

dusty2 profile image

I'm in Scotland & it sounds like it is a completely different system.

I wasn't given my prescription, I was given a list of approximately 20 salons & numbers for home visits if preferred. I was told to visit as many places on the list as I wanted & when I had chosen which salon I wanted to supply wig to phone hospital number on list & they would send my prescription to it. I phoned & was told prescription was for 4 wigs, they advised to get 2 just now & phone back in 6 months & tell them where to send prescription for other 2.

I thought I would pay towards if wig I picked was more expensive but salon explained I do not pay anything for wigs. The only things I paid for was wig stands, caps, shampoo & conditioner.

Angep profile image
Angep in reply to dusty2

Hi, well it sounds a better system for you!!! How brilliant you can have a home. Is it too !!! That is such a good idea especially if people struggle to get out!!! Good luck with getting your wigs sorted out 😁

melodie profile image
melodie in reply to dusty2

Hi Dusty do the wigs look realistic after they’ve been styled

dusty2 profile image

Hi Melodie, they do look realistic. I don't think I would wear it if it looked bad.

Woolroom profile image

I have had alopecia total is for 14 year's now. I have 2 wigs a year paid for up front to the NHS. They are 71 £ each. They are very nice. If rather hot in warm weather but i wear the cotton skull cap underneath to keep cooler. I live in Camberley and have no trouble getting them at all

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