Hi guys, sorry to be all doom and gloom again but I am completely fed up of having this stupid no curable illness yes don't get me wrong I have my good days which I am grateful for I just find this makes the bad days even more harder to deal with. Take yesterday for example, I felt really good, refreshed and only slight body aches ,I was able to have a good day at work and actually felt ok. Then last night I couldn't sleep from 2am for God knows what reasons this time. Yes I was having ache troubles in my back but I always do. Got up and went downstairs after an hour of counting sheep which significantly failed. Managed to pack myself up with pillows and blankets and chilled until 7am watching TV. All this time I was feeling shattered but my body would not allow me to sleep?! Managed to get myself back to bed and slept from 7.30ish until 12. Although when I woke up my body just did not want to function at all. I find days like this so hard as I'm not actually in pain it's just even the slightest thing like walking the stairs or making a drink tire me out. I'm currently in the bath trying to soak my muscles and hoping to be able to atleast find the energy to get ready today. I will admit I am not coping very well with this illness and just struggle to know What to do for the best some days.
I know talking to you guys helps so just wanted to express my feelings and niggles at the min.
Hope everyone is having a good day.
Stace x