Well not a good night it started at 5 pm slow at first and by 7 I had a heart rate of 113 and a bp of 158/113 that lasted for about 3 minutes heart rate settled down to 73 at rest oh what fun not going far tonight
I knew it wouldn't last: Well not a... - Atrial Fibrillati...
I knew it wouldn't last
I can certainly relate. It's been a horrible week for me. My resting HR is usually in the low fifties. Now it's in the seventies which feels very fast to me. HR went up to 180 the other morning. I'm on a roller coaster ride with mine. Maybe you just had a break-through episode and there won't be any more, I hope so. Take care and feel better!!
Thanks but I know there will be more good luck to you the roller coaster is quite a ride
Sorry to hear that you had another attack. I've had 3 attacks in the last 2 weeks and it is really "No Fun". I'm glad to hear that you HR didn't get too high. When it gets up around 160+ it gets kind of scarey no matter how many times you've been through it.
Praying you get some kind of a treatment plan that will help.
Sorry your not felt well,been one of them weeks for me also it's good to chat to people that understand take care.
I've had paroxysmal AF for 15+ years, although it was only diagnosed as such about 7 years ago. I avoid the 2 substances which I think trigger it in certain circumstances, caffeine (or possibly not caffeine but coffee), and soya. I take 150mg Flecainide twice a day, and have been on Warfarin for about a month. Up to a week ago I had been AF free since November 2011. I accidently missed taking a dose of Flec twice, with 18 hour rather than 12 hour intervals, and subsequebntly AF returned about 30 minutes before I'd planned to go to bed. Within 3 minutes of my head hitting the pillow it stopped. I'm happy taking Warfarin but I do get rashes and itching either from it or from Ramipril. If they continue Ill have to discuss them with the Warfarin nurse initially.
I do feel for people whose AF is not normally controlled. I've been through that a few years back but now have a GP who is an expert in the treatment of AF.