Does anyone else revert from PAF to N... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Does anyone else revert from PAF to NSR with a pre-faint (pre-syncope)?
maybe you could elaborate - all these acronyms are difficult to follow.
I have paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and I have a pre-faint (i.e. loss of vision and a buzzing in my head - almost but not quite a faint) when I revert from atrial fibrilation back to normal sinus rhythym. Does anyone else have this problem?
Slight light headedness as I go back to NSR and I really look forward to that moment! It has never caused a problem
Research on the internet suggests that a pre-faint is caused by a slight pause between AF finishing and NSR resuming. Very unpleasant - not to mention frightening - but good to be back in NSR!
I have never self resolved so I wouldn't know. I was persistent and only resolved temporarily each time I had an electro-cardioversion. The catheter ablation did the trick however and I've been in NSR for 5 months now.
I have suffered af for 6 years and only experienced the faintness when reverting to sinus rythmn on the last occasion.
Never experienced it before.
Pre-syncope is common in AF. This can be an indication that your treatment is not effective.
We suggest you consult your GP to review your treatment,
I normally revert after a large eptopic beat, like above it's a fantastic sensation!
The last but one I had stopped with aloud noise in my head as though it was exploding then NSR. Very interested in the information that it might be the medication I took to resolve it.