hi all I have been having heart beats that thud like palpitations all of a sudden then it’s almost like it’s pausing and I feel like I don’t breath and then it’s like my lungs themselves ( may be vagus nerve kicking in ) suck in a deep breath and then I cough for a bit then heart goes back to rythm. It does this on and off over a period of an hour or 2 then goes back to normal. It’s u settling and my heart rate can go low also. I have told Gp and they said topic beats not to worry and because I have endocrine issue with hyperparathyroidism and low phosphates they said it’s probably that causing the issue. Have attached photos if white tried to capture it. In pic you can see a longer pause between beats and I sent these to dr they said all ok ? Doesn’t feel ok. I also have POTs which complicates things also.
weird heart beats : hi all I have been... - Atrial Fibrillati...
weird heart beats

Hi Supernerogirl,
It’s called an ectopic beat. That looks like what this is on your ECG, though I’m not an expert, but I do know what they look like on an apple ecg. They are classed as harmless and what you’re experiencing sounds ‘normal’ though I know it’s not very nice when you feel them. Most, if not all people do get them every day, some don’t notice, some do. Anxiety makes them worse as can lack of sleep. Also electrolyte issues affects them.
Try not to worry. Easier said than done, I know.
If the issues you have are affecting them too, as your GP states, are they treating those?
I would request a 48 hr monitor. I'm in Surrey and the company my cardiologist uses produced a good report.
It doesn’t look like an ectopic beat to me. Each beat has a QRST from what I can see. It looks more like sinus arrhythmia. Sinus arrhythmia is when you’re in the normal sinus rhythm but the spacing between beats is uneven. I also have this. It’s linked to sinoatrial disease.
thank you it does feel like the spacing is out sometimes and that’s when it feels like I can’t breath then when it starts again I cough a lot then it’s back to normal then it does the cycle again over longest was 3 hours and it made me feel ill and dizzy and feel sick
I know the feeling. I have a conduction disorder so I have a lot of different beat issues including both atrial and ventricular premature beats (PACs and PVCs).
When your heart isn’t beating properly and can make you feel dizzy and breathless and it can make you feel very stressed - which sometime can add to the irregular beats. My count of ectopic beats can sometimes go over 10,000 in 24hrs.
Always keep in mind that your heart will not stop beating because of ectopics or sinus arrhythmia. I know that thyroid issues can create issues with your heart.
Hi thanks for replying my thyroid is ok it’s my parathyroid that’s high and my phosphates go low which both cause electrical issues in the heart. At 1st because I had a loop recorder they thought it was my heart so was out through 2 heart ablations. Then they realised i had an endocrine issue it’s been a rough ride ! I have had Covid 4 times also and been treated for long covid. I think it’s the endocrine issue causing it but when it happens it’s not nice and scary and feel like I’m going to drop dead. So I’m grateful for everyone on here giving reassuring advice. ❤️🙏
It's a Atrial Ectopic. You can be as fit as a fiddle and still get them.They are also common in Pregnancy!
Looks like a premature atrial contraction which as your gp said is a common enough ectopic beat and is generally considered benign and not requiring treatment. I get them occasionally too though when I do it's at a greater frequency than would be indicated by that ECG you posted.
So generally considered common, particularly as people get older, and unless someone is experiencing an exceptionally high level of them, they do not require an intervention.
If it IS a premature atrial beat (am not expert on these) then it's an ectopic as others are saying. Unfortunately some are more uncomfortable than others. The premature atrial ones in particular. I have a breathing exercise that can help see them off or calm them down. DM me if you'd like me to share.
Hi Singwell,
I would love to hear your breathing exercise for ectopics if you could post it - or DM me. I find ectopics can sometimes lead to AF in the early hours when HR is slow, then the ectopics can set things off ... particularly when I've been active in the day, I stupidly did too much today - forgot all about AF in the sunshine ...!
I'd be grateful,
Hi. Yes, happy to share! This technique allows you to slow your breathing rate down to 6 or fewer breath cycles a minute. I've used the word stomach because it's an easier way of thinking about 'abdominal region' which is really what we're releasing for a deep inbreath. Be aware it's nor about the quality of the inbreath rather than quantity. 1. Sit or lie comfortably so that your stomach can move easily when you breathe in. If you're lying down, this is easier on your left side.
2. Take a breath in.slowly through your nose. I usually count a slow 2. Let your stomach relax when you do this so it moves out gently.
3. There is a natural pause for most people after the inbreath
Try to tune into it but don't force it.
4. Let the breath out again all in one go - don't worry that you'll be out of breath - there's always air in the lungs right up until our last moments
5. Don't be surprised if you feel like another pause after the outbreath but again - don't force it. Keep tuning in either to the feel of the air moving through your nostrils or the sound.
6. If you need to breathe out through your mouth purse your lips slightly as it helps to feel the breath and know we're in charge of it.
6. Repeat.
Typically your breathing rate will calm and slow down. You may even feel like you're about to drop off to sleep.
This technique is one of many used by breath practitioners to help calm our systems and regulate breathing. I have often got my HR down by 15-20 BPM using this technique and sometimes seen my AF off. Also helps me if I cannot go to sleep
That looks like classic ectopic beats! These can cause much anxiety in us, and this can cause us to put a lot more into what it feels like than it should. Remember, EVERYONE gets them… but most of us with Afib usually get more of them. The power of the mind to make us feel anxiety is amazing. This may be what you are experiencing. Trust your docs… they know what they are looking at!
thank you
Hi,...these buggers can be disruptive and frustrating. Totally understand your concerns.
Ectopic in this scenario means outside the normal Sinus Node timing. A 'P' wave from the Atria usually proceeds the QRS complex (Ventricle) which would have been triggered in turn by the A/V node (Atria to Ventricle). Electrical impulse spreads uniformly from top to Bottom.
Your strip in those 'ectopics' shows no 'P' wave (or else it's buried in the preceding 'T' wave (Ventricle re-charge). See the little hump in front of all the normal QRS (larger signals)? Presumably, instead of a 'P' wave some rogue segment of your Atria fired a premature signal that was picked up by the 'A/V' node and transferred to the Ventricle. This 'QRS' was early and the sinus node is still in charge (congrats, looks like Normal Sinus Rhythm still) and the heart exhibited a compensatory pause in order to space out the early beat from the succeeding beat. As others pointed out, this is likely only a two node device and a holter would include more positional readings that would help localize the origin of the early beat and let you know how many of these you experience in a day.
I sometimes play a game with my ECG strips and identify all the early beats and simply imagine moving them all a tad bit to the right. I find that all the beats are there, it's just that a few had different timing. I can also take a ruler and measure out say 4 or 5 'normal' beats and then move that as a slide across the aberrant beat and find that the same number of beats transpired, just that the timing is a little off.
The compensatory pause allows more blood to collect in the Atria meaning you feel perhaps a thud where more volume is moving through and maybe is felt in your esophagus and/or neck. Similarly the early beat perhaps doesn't allow as much blood to move through since it's sooner than the other beats around it....My autonomic system picks up on these subtle shifts and I also cough or get a quick anxiety charge. The fun starts when I have multiple of these in a row as they can subtly affect my blood pressure. Or perhaps not so subtly if I get anxious over all the fun the heart is having...
Best of luck in tracking the causes and gaining reassurance from doc/tests that it is truly nothing to worry about. That peace of mind comes with ensuring that there is not anything nefarious at play.
This is where the iwatch ECG becomes a bit limited. As a two lead reading it's hard to say if any of those perturbations in the strip are anything other than interference or movement artifacts. My readings (especially those on Kardia) pick up on my shaking (nerves) and some look almost unreadable. I have attempted to take readings in the middle of a hard bicycle up steep hills...Pulled to the side of the road and the strip was just unreadable....looked like a Picasso...LOL. Where these two lead devices shine is in showing us the timing and frequency of the QRS. The Holter will bring a much clearer picture. I can say if I saw that on mine,...especially the second one I would chalk it up to mechanical interference. But your doc will know better.
Looks quite normal as to form but abnormal as to timing - ectopic beats like what many people get. It seems relatively benign even though they can be disturbing especially when you are in bed.
thanks yes they are horrible and the thump you get the cough is new though it’s like vagus response and the cough seems to help sort it then it starts all over again. Thanks for the reassurance much appreciated I’ll have to learn to ignore them.
I am getting the same at the minute - sometimes SVT's as well. Usually come on after 6pm and can last 10 mins to a few hours - I am talking magnesium and VitD supplements. I find they are worse in the winter so maybe something to do with the lack of sunlight.
Not nice when they wake you up but most people with AF get them in varying degrees and they are a PITA
thank you
hi super, although their very unnerving and worrying they won’t do you any harm unless your daily burden of them is really really high. Iv had these for 30 plus years maybe longer and still get them now unfortunately.! How many do you get in a day.?
Best wishes.
Hi they are sporadic and can go days with out any and then it alternates between low and high and it’s the pauses I’m like is it going to start again ? But it does and always me me cough ( which is new ) they used to happen all the time not like this. My Apple Watch ( which I know shouldn’t take much notice if ) says I’m in AF 2% if the time and some days my heart won’t get above 50 - 55 for 24 to 48 hrs I physically can not do anything when it’s like this and this is new as it’s usually high up to 200 on rest due to my pots now it’s flits between high and low.