hi every one. I have recently been taken off verapamil and put on Bisoprolol. I have been told to stop taking the verapamil and take first Bisoprol 24 hours later. This will be 10.30 pm. Now I know this tablet is best taken in the morning so when do I take my next tablet? Thanks
bisoprol : hi every one. I have... - Atrial Fibrillati...

I had bad side effects taking Bisoprolol in mornings. My GP checked in her magic book and told me to take it at night. All my side effects (random, full flow nose bleeds) stopped. Never a problem since.
As it’s your first bisoprolol, I think if it were me I’d probably take it 24 hrs after the morning after you’ve taken your last verapimil, especially as it’s a totally different medication to verapimil, however, I’m not medically trained and I think you should really perhaps ask the Pharmacist what they suggest ( I know how difficult it would be to ask your Dr).
Please don’t worry about nosebleeds though, medication affects us all differently and I’ve never had a nosebleed through taking bisoprolol. You are right that it is normally taken in the morning, but we all take them at differing times and some people, twice a day.
Hi I have taken Bisoprolol before a higher dose than the one I have been given now. Pharmacist at Doctors said take 24 hours after last Verapamil which I take morning and night. I will call pharmacist back. Thanks for your help.
Hi there as you are saying that Bisoprolol is a totally different medication my heart rate at the moment is 60 will the Bisoprolol lower it even more? Thabks

I think most people prefer to take at night.
I have just done the opposite! Bisoprolol totally switched me off at the main and I was unable to function. I am now on Verapamil with no problems.
I second the advice to speak to the local or surgery pharmacist.
I hope it suits you and helps.
everyone is different, but my EP told me to take my bisoprolol in the morning as obviously more busy during the day and therefore raise heart beat. At nighttime and asleep could (?) make heart go too slow
However as long as take it regularly whatever suits you.
All the best
I echo this although I was told to take at night as I felt rough during the day. At night taking it I had almost panic attacks as I felt like I was stopping breathing. Back on lower dose in the morning now and no side effects thank goodness x
So pleased you are feeling better xx
Took a while though. A lot if people seem to have differing problems with Bisoprolol x
Yes true. I certainly did have a problem trying it at night when BP and heart rate went too low. As I had been stopped on flecainide because now in permanent afib (which incidentally I find easier than on and off, skso a pacemaker as kept fainting) they upped my bisoprolol to 2.5 which even that lowered my BP. So 1.25 now snd if heart starts to race then just take an extra one. Doing it that way (touch wood) doesn’t seem to affect my BP as it’s only occasionally . Always morning or during the day never at might now
All the best x
I was on 5mg to start with and kept falling over if I bent over at all but now also on 1.25 and feel a lot mire normal. Has the pacemaker made a big difference to you? X
Oh I wrote a fairly long message to you but hadn’t finished about how brilliant the pacemaker has been, but I had a zoom come through from my son and grandsons and didn’t finish and it’s disappeared
Yes pacemaker been great. I kept fainting as heart rate either went very very low under 30 or was racing eith afib/tachycardia. The pacemaker now keeps it from going low (a regular 70 although set at 60) but now rarely goes higher than 90. So very rarely though. Maybe through an infection or not well but being in permanent afib I don’t really notice it any more. Pacemaker doesn’t control the afib or tachycardia, but stops heart going too low.
Anyway before I lose this message..
Lol oh the times I've done the long message and then lost it !! 😁 I am interested in how the pacemaker helped as if I bend forward or get up quick my BP drops to 60/40 and even lower at times and I feel faint I wonder if one day a pacemaker might do me to give me stability and stop the horrible feelings you get with this. Thanks so much fir the info it's been really helpful x
Aah the pacemaker doesn’t help eith BP it just stops the heart rate from going too low. For example my heart rate would suddenly drop from about mid 50s to 30 sometimes 29 for no reason and I would go so lightheaded and faint.
Having said that now that my pacemaker is set at 60 so heart rate can’t go below that although with the afib:tachycardia it mostly reads 70 unless I have a higher rate in which case I take an extra bisoprolol which calms it down
Also maybe coincidentally my BP seems to have settled since pacemaker
No, I took Bisoprolol at 8pm every night. 2.5mg. Night is better for BP control as BP rises early morning. But you can half dose like some night and remainder morning. Up to 10mg 24 hours. My stroke embolic happened at 2an.
So were you taking Ver... at 10.30pm!? Seems very late.
You Cardiologist says leave 24 hrs - a day.
So take the last Ver... that day and leave until next 24hr day to vhange.
I take my CCB early morning as my H/R is high Day and drops down to 47bpm at Night and doesn't need any control then.
Everyone can be different but as my CCB does a dramatic job bringing down my H/Rate early morning I take ir.. it runs out during afternoon but I wouldn't srart Biso until next day.
vheri JOY. 76. (NZ)
I take CCB for control H/Rate and Bisoprolol Night for BP control but in December as my BP went low I no longer take it. Just the CCB Diltiazem CD now.
To my knowledge, it doesn't matter when you take bisoprolol. This is because it is a long acting tablet and , after a few days, it builds up in the bloodstream to a "steady state", after which any dosage time should be fine, if 24 hours apart. It can occasionally cause a drop in BP that will cause light-headedness, so take care after the first morning dose. It's quite a safe drug, so you could take your first in the evening when you'll be supine for most of the time, which means your BP won't be affected so much. You could then work it back to a morning dose after a day or two.
I take my bisoprolol with my evening meal. When I used to take it in the mornings I would be short of breath when exercising - much less of a problem since changing to an evening dose.
Ask to stay on Verpramil as this is Brand. Bisoporol is Generic and ma give you side effects.