don’t suppose there’s anyone up for a bit of advice . Been having Af event for 4 hrs . Trying to get my anxiety under control but not working. This is the first time this has happened in 4 weeks not sure what to do . Really don’t wanna put myself through AE but don’t know wht to do
not again : don’t suppose there’s... - Atrial Fibrillati...
not again

Could you maybe ring 111 for advice first?
I`m sure you will be fine, I have AF but no symptoms.
Do you feel unwell? When I called my electrophysiologist what I should do while on holidays if I had AF, he said to sleep on it unless I felt very unwell. He said if I still had it in the morning, not to eat breakfast and to go to a hospital.
I don't have an answer for your current predicament as we're all different. However, for future reference you should seek medical advice about what to do when you have episodes e.g. if heart rate is over x or experiencing ..... then go to A&E otherwise it's unlikely to be a problem so no need to worry. If it's the latter you should be comforted by that and it should help you keep your anxiety under control. Unfortunately, anxiety will only make your episodes worse so whatever you can do to minimise that will make dealing with your AF episodes more bearable.I'm a born worrier so I feel for you and what you're going through.
Too late now but the usual advice is to rest and do something distracting if you can’t relax. You only need to go to A&E if you have chest or neck pain, extreme breathlessness and/or dizziness and faintness. As we are all different bean counter’s advice is the best and should be put down on your list of questions when you see the cardiologist. I asked a cardiologist this question and he answered ‘Oh, come in if you feel unwell, we don’t mind!’ Which was not very helpful except that it indicated that he didn’t expect it to be necessary. I hate A&E and it’s the last place I’d want to be while ‘feeling unwell’ ❤️🩹
thank you definitely didn’t want to do AE will ask him when I get appointment
you probably hit the nail on the head. I can have severe anxiety and a fib is going to set it off even worse. Do you have any medication for anxiety? Have you tried meditation etc. I did not realize how bad my anxiety was it was my EP who stepped in. He said it was not my a fib. It’s my anxiety. I had meds to take as needed he said you need them more than you think you do. I thought he was wrong but he wasn’t. He hasn’t been wrong about anything with. If you decide to try something natural, talk to the doctor first. recently, I have a friend pushing all kinds of natural supplements. I tried to explain to her. Everyone cannot take them and sure enough a couple of things she sent to me anyway abs absolutely not for anyone with arrhythmia of any kind or issues. People mean well they didn’t go to school for as long as my EP did or my and I am not going to do anything without talking to them. They are doctors for a reason. people don’t realize when you go to the hospital they need to know everything you take. It could actually kill you taking some natural supplement if they don’t know about it it could interfere with bleeding or worse. As far as natural for anxiety don’t do it unless it’s a simple cup of tea like chamomile, etc. St. Johns Wort etc also not for arrhythmia and heart issues. Don’t go by everything you read on the web because you are going to get mixed info.
One thing she sent me because of the persistent cough is licorice root for tea. I was dying to try it. It sounds yummy. Unfortunately there was a big sticker on the front of the bag telling you straight out who should not take it guess who people like us
Supplements are not harmless
If you don’t have anxiety meds, talk to your doctor. I have one called clonazepam it’s pretty strong. I didn’t realize I used to take two. No wonder I was a zombie. I take it at night now. I sleep better and it seems to stay with me most of the day unless something goes wrong that sets me off. Today started out bad so I decided to take one just to show you how strong it can be at least for me. I went to sleep for four hours and did not even realize it.
Just remember before you had a fib you had anxiety probably how did you handle it? My anxiety can be a big black hole so horrible.
I will tell you I started drinking mushroom coffee. I think Bob D was taking capsules. Don’t justify anything check with him. See how he is doing and if you need info from me, I’ll tell you what I drink. It’s actually yummy if you like things like cinnamon and chocolate. I am feeling pretty good pretty much every day. I think it’s the coffee. I’m not sure but I sure feel better than I used to. Life is full of ups and downs that will cause anxiety. . As my EP told me everyone wants to blame the heart. It’s not always the heart.
maybe you can get a tape or something self hypnosis meditation etc. I like to lay there and listen usually it has a nice type of music in the background. You have to seriously just lay there. You may fall asleep. All I know is it helps if you get the anxiety controlled. You will probably find you don’t have the a fib going on at the moment. It’s gonna happen. I still get a fib and flutter even with my pacemaker because it is what it is.
I found one of the best things to help me through. It was the knowledge my doctor gave me so I am not afraid of it most of the time it is fight or flight with us. When you are not afraid of it and realize it’s not gonna kill you everything should feel better. I get aggravated. I consider a fib and flutter a big annoyance. I may complain and say it hurts or whatever but that’s it. It’s like having a headache. It’s there eventually it will go away.
I I had to answer you because as I said, I thought it was my I also have heart failure thankfully I had the most incredible EP. He taught me as he has taught his other students because I to him and he liked that and I asked the right questions he spoke to me not at so I can understand what I’m dealing with as I say to everyone knowledge is power we are not doctors forget all the big terms or what kind doesn’t really matter. It’s controlling it so you feel better. That’s the bottom line.
I have never been to A and E. Never felt the need as was sure it would go and had no worrying symptoms. Sometimes take a bisoprolol if rate high.
We are all different and Afib manifests differently, so do what seems right for you.
Could HRT help with the anxiety, I hear it can?