Having muscle fatigue and pain associated with Af …waiting for cardioversion hope it helps .Anyone have this experience and did those symptoms dissapear after return to NSR
electric cardioversion : Having muscle... - Atrial Fibrillati...
electric cardioversion

I think most people who have had successful cardioversions will tell you it is like being reborn. That said there is no guarantee a) if it will work or b) how long it may last in NSR so prepare yourself accordingly.
It is not a cure for AF , merely a test to see if NSR can be attained which can signpost other treatments.
I've had numerous cardioversions and they always put me back into normal sinus rhythm. Don't worry because there's nothing to having one, you will be sedated and know nothing about the procedure which takes a few minutes.What I've discovered is that after having a cardioversion, you need to take it easy for a few weeks and allow your heart to gain strength beating in it's correct rhythm. So no exerting yourself. I once walked up a steep hill the day after having one and immediately went back into AF. Too late to be sorry then.
No alcohol or overeating either. Don't do anything that requires effort for as long as you can.
Yes, both muscle fatigue and various pains have gone now I am in normal Sinus Rhythm, post a Cardioversion. Long term or short term the results have been fabulous for me.