After months of waiting, I began 2025 with an electrical cardioversion. It was a fast, painless procedure conducted by a team who exuded competence, goodwill and humour. We had quite a lengthy discussion of how many times they would try if sinus rhythm wasn't achieved on the first attempt. (they said three...) The nurse took great pleasure in telling me that she could only find a single chest hair to shave off, before the pads were attached . She excised it with a theatrical flourish. The actual machine that was connected to me bore an uncanny resemblance to the box I use to kick start my car battery, but it did what was needed on the first go. Now that the sedative has worn off, I can honestly say that I feel energized and in good shape. Nothing quite like 200 volts to get the blood coursing through your veins. Highly recommended as a way to bring in the New Year. Beats plunging into the ocean or into a bottle. In November, my electrophysiologist had prescribed Sotalol as a chemical precursor that might return me to sinus rhythm by itself. He said he liked it better than the alternatives. I didn't pursue the reasons why. As far as I can tell it had no impact but I'll keep taking it to increase the chances of maintaining the current rhythm. I had asked them if they could give me a reggae beat, but they said the best they could do would be more like a bossa nova. It'll do nicely.
cardioversion: After months of waiting... - Atrial Fibrillati...

I had a very similar experience of the procedure in November and knew when I came round I was back feeling normal. Gradually doing more now and feeling great.
This forum certainly made it an experience to embrace and was very calming . 😀
Good to read positive energised news. I've been feeling weak after 3 weeks of a hideous, at times uncontrollable cough. Not had one like it even as a smoker in my early 20s. Thursday I had a shortish walk but yesterday I decided to walk a bit further as frost was disappearing and sun shone. Also my heart was beating faster than usual and a little irregularly. May or may not have been in AF. Gp mentioned that in summer. Set off with the option of walking a mile to town but going home if got breathless. I walked there and back. Heart rhythm became regular. I probably shouldn't have had the strong cappuccino as it raised my bp a bit. When I got home didn't need to put heating on for hours!
What a lovely positive post.
Yes, there's not a lot to having a cardioversion. Try not to do anything that requires energy for a few weeks. I've had quite a few cardioversions and I once walked up a steep hill the day after having one and immediately went straight back into AF. Too late to be sorry once it flips back into an abnormal rhythm. Let your heart grow strong beating in it's correct rhythm. Avoid alcohol too.
Very uplifting post, I have mine scheduled for later this month and have just started Amiodarone which hopefully will improve the chances of NSR holding whilst I (presumably) wait for potential ablation. I'm certainly praying for a successful CV and look forward to an energy boost and hope the various meds I'm on don't supress too much of that, continued good rhythm to you..
Hi RF260
Can you tell me what dose of Amiodarone you are taking please; pre CV.
Hi, I'm taking what I think is the normal dosage with loading dose for first 2 weeks... so week 1 = 3x200mg daily, week 2 = 2x200mg daily, thereafter 1 x 200mg daily.Started them on Thursday so early days, pharmacist suggested when on loading dose week 1 take morning, lunchtime and evening, week 2 take morning and evening, thereafter morning.
I was issued 56 and I calculated based on the above they should last 5 weeks.
My CV is mid Feb so will be well loaded up by then (and apparently the meds might convert me before that but not sure)
Oh and I don't think we can give advice so this is simply what I've been told to do.
Good luck
Thank you RF260 it is helpful to hear of your loading doses of Amiodarone. I would also be very interested to hear how you get on with the regime. Also did the EP say anything about stopping it should NSR be achieved before the loading dose has ended. Also did they say if you would still need the ablation. Regards Rosie.
I think they said if I return to NSR before my CV appointment then go to GP and get ECG done to confirm. I have a Kardia so will know anyway (and also hope to know from an energy increase if I go into NSR).. Then I assume the Electrical CV would be postponed as they only do that when you are out of Rhythm.In terms of the Amiodarone I guess it would be my choice to stay on them if that is considered beneficial to staying in NSR but I don't really want to be on them more than a few months given potential side effects.
In terms of ablation they need to know that I can be successfully returned to NSR then it would be worth doing an ablation which I believe can be done whether you are in NSR or A Fib.
Decisions decisions..
Hi Rosie , just to let you know I have after 10 days on Amiodarone returned to NSR (according to my Kardia and it's the first time I've ever seen NSR on it since purchasing it after A fib diagnosis in September). I'm only in week 2 of loading dose and am due to drop to maintenance dose on Thursday. I think I will continue for a few more days and continue to monitor rhythm and heart rate (which is currently around 70bpm and was more like 50 before I stopped bisoprolol at the end of December.I have blood tests arranged for end of Jan so can't report on any side effects as yet but will update if anything occurs.
That's great RF260 and well done for persisting on the Amiodarone. I'm interested toknow why they stoped bisoprolol at the end of December. Was that anything to do with the Amiodarone?
Hi, no the reason they said I could wean off bisoprolol was that 24 hour holter monitor showed RHR dipping into the 30's at night and due to my lack of energy was ok to stop. My RHR last night never went below 60 so just 2.5mg was having quite an impact. During the day my RHR now around 70 whereas was around 50. I'm going to discuss with GP as not sure what to do next regarding the Amiodarone, Edoxaban which were both prescribed for A fib. I assume now that I'm in normal rhythm I can still go on waiting list for ablation and get off some meds so will see what happens.
I have been on stall. for 2 year 7 months following cardioversion. it has helped maintain NSR-still considering ablation-- good luck rich johnson
I meant SOTALOL---rich johnson
I also had a cardioversion whilst in a&e some years ago to stop my af. It was a very pleasant experience and I reverted first time.
If was over in a few moments and the sedative worked wonders and I don't remember a thing about it.
If needed to have if done again I wouldn't hesitate.
Sotalol did not do much for my AF but did give me a wide range of side effects. The worst was only being able to sleep for 2hours at a time, and difficult to get back to sleep. I. Fact I still do not sleep well and I stopped taking it when I had a successful ablation in 2009! Hooe you get on better than I did, or maybe dont take it if it is not helping.
I have used sotalol (80 mg) for abt a year and now have normal sinus rhythm with few irregular beats. However I have the side effects of fatigue and low energy most days.