Although I understand the pressure on the finances of the NHS, I feel that had NICE guidelines been followed initially, treatment not delayed, money would have been saved. Briefly after delay after delay in getting procedures ie Angiogram, pace maker, ablation etc since 2022 despite being in and out of hospital with high racing heart, three near NStemi heart attacks and diagnosis of Tachycardia Bracacardia syndrome etc. I have at last September 2024 had ablation. which even then they tried to cancel until I asked whether it was the decision pf the Doctor or Manager and went ahead. Of course I am grateful heart is now in Sinus but its all a bit too late as I now have I have Diastolic heart failure.
Atrial Fibrillation + tachycardia and... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Atrial Fibrillation + tachycardia and bracacardia syndrome
I wonder if there will be a chance of that improving now you've had your ablation. Was anything said?
I am sorry for your trouble. You are not alone -- I recently had a year's wait for supposedly urgent treatment after three years of no cardiology appointments at all due to the pandemic, and it's very possible that the long wait made things worse (I now have structural damage that I did not have before the pandemic). It is frustrating and worrying.
The NHS can only do so much with the beds and the staff that they have. When I was told that I'd have to wait 9 to 12 months for an ablation, I assumed that this was due to not enough cardiologists/EPs, but a member of the team explained that it was actually due to not enough capacity in the operating theatre.
So we muddle on. I hope your ablation improves things.
I know firsthand that the NHS needs major improvement (training more staff would be a good start!) and I am not trying to diminish your experience, which is one that I share. I am very aware of the expanding narrative that private healthcare as in the US model would be more 'efficient' as a replacement for the 'failing' NHS. Do not believe it. I have family in the US. Their healthcare system is a shameless licence to print money. Medical bills have long been the no.1 cause of personal bankruptcy over there. Insurers set limits and commonly refuse to approve treatment that people need badly. Things are so bad that a member of the public shot the boss of a big health insurance company last week, and large sections of social media had very little sympathy for the victim because rage at the healthcare system runs deep. We have been warned. Again.
Let's hope the ablation allows the ventricles to recover. I have read that they can and that HF is an ill-defined diagnosis.
But, yes - a sad sate of affairs indeed is our NHS. We should be up in arms about it, I suspect. The parlous A&E situation, where people en masse are going to A&E instead of a GP, is only one aspect of its failings. The last government have much to answer for, but will, as ever be let off the hook. thanks to covid, I expect. Let's hope the current lot do better. I won't hold my breath.