Have most had these? I always have until this year. Last year’s covid jab put me in AF for 24 hrs and as have been mostly free of it for months now am nervous of having the jabs. However with the risk of catching both now high am wondering what to do. I know only I can decide but ….
Covid and flu jabs: Have most had these... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Covid and flu jabs

Hi, last year, ten days after the Covid jab, my AF problems began. I’m 69, and won’t be having any more Covid jabs. I did get the flu jab.
I had the same ….10 days after covid jab. I had been AF free mostly for seven years. Set me back. Since then was in AF for seven months! Plus caught covid twice. Had flu jab last year, resulted in fast heart and probs walking,m plus temperature.
TBH, over the years I've taken any and all jabs on offer ..... no sweat. No suffering either. No diseases either ............ I might add in 2020, aged 76 ..... I was a bus driver (well past retirement age) and I drove regular bus passenger services throughout, suitably equipped by my employer with the flimsy blue masks. I didn't get CoVid, or indeed any other medical condition either. I still haven't.
You obviously were lucky and have good genes and no autoimmune disease.
You are right on the money there .... however, arthritic pain in shoulders is quite another matter.
Yes I agree about pain in shoulders… I live with pain throughout my body… it’s so painful and debilitating and frustrating.
Hiya JGBH,
I'm sorry to read that you have soooo much pain. At least mine is confined to my shoulders. I have lower back and Si joint pain too but my fab Osteopath manages that for me, so, mustn't grumble. I think anyone who endures pain - particularly - all round the body is a hero. Unless people suffer pain they have no idea what 'being sick' is.
May the force be with you.
Had the flu vac.s and all the Covid jabs doctor offered....no ill effect.
I was diagnosed with AF two months after flu and Covid jabs last year. Impossible to say if one or both was a trigger of course but it was the first time I'd ever had a flu jab. The fact that I would be anxious after having them again this year and that the anxiety alone might trigger an AF episode was enough for me not to risk it.😒
I wont be having any more jabs. Had 3 jabs one year for flu, covid and pneumonia and then the following year had flu and then was in hospital with covid and pneumonia. I'd never had any of those illnesses before.
I have had 3 vaccinations this autumn, for Covid, Flu and the Respiratory syncytial virus for the 75-79year olds .
The hospitals around here are terribly busy and flu admissions are rising and doubled in the last week.
This time last year I had an ablation now maintained with the help of Flecainide , I will do anything to minimise the risk of catching any illness that will result in a return to AF.
So far I have had every booster on offer . I had a bad reaction to the second Covid vaccination and read somewhere that isn't unusual because having made antibodies to the first dose, the body recognises the virus in the second and there can be a small reaction.
I was so scared of catching Covid, I have asthma as well as AF and fear being immobilised on a respirator more that any vaccination.
Pfizer's own "Report 5" shows a significant risk of arrhythmias from the jab. Search "Non-Interventional Study Interim Study Report 5 Abstract C4591021". I don't think there's any good data showing the jabs cut the risk of arrhythmias if one catches C19, but no doubt someone will correct me! But a good friend has been fully jabbed, caught C19 twice in spite, and now has a brand new Afib & ectopics. Everyone is different - how do you know which you are? You don't for sure, but a previous reaction is a sign to listen to.
I have stopped having the jabs. The jabs are short-lived, not very effective, especially when the strains differ or change from the strain the jab is designed for, very specific for covid and do not help the body's immune system to resist general immune challenges (in fact they probably hinder). The Number Needed to Vaccinate (to save one case) is also very high now, as UK government (JVCI) figures show.
Get a vitamin D test (don't guess a dosage) and get your Vit D level up to around 150 nmol/L, which will help your immune system generally
Just reading Boris Johnsons book and he was desperate to vaccinate the people after so many cases and deaths. He was very unsure to allow a vaccine developed using a platform based on a modified chimpanzee adenovirus vector and only been tested for a year for Covid when normally it was 10 years even longer ,so were the people the guinea pigs with no way of knowing long term side affects and will we ever know we were part of the experiment, only time will tell.
I would not take his word for anything
I would not believe a party animal let alone buy his book, and help stuff his pockets.
He wasn't making it up the vaccine for covid was derived from chimpanzee adenovirus vector .Here in New Zealand can you believe Prince Harry's book was the number one book sold.
Now I didn't buy it because thats one traitors pocket I wouldn't be lining..
Boris is a proven liar but there is no doubt at all that all the vaccines were given the Emergency Authorisations with very little data. The efficacy data was a joke as transmission was not an endpoint in the clinical trial and the safety data was non existent especially for the mRNA jabs as you cannot have any idea of whether a vaccine using a completely new platform is safe even in the medium term if you only have data for 2/3 months. The thoroughly unscientific trashing of the trials by vaccinating the placebo arm added to this . From what has emerged since even this minimal amount of data had been "tweaked " to give the vaccines a better profile . This can clearly be seen by the companies' own later reports. The governments and media of all couuntries did their best to bamboozle or force their populations into taking part in this experiment. It is beyond belief for me that people are still going in for injecting this s**t . Especially those who have bad reactions to previous vaccinations AND caught covid anyway!
The whole thing even 4 years later seems so surreal to me and i learn today that biden may pre-empt a pardon for dr ouchy fauchy, just to rub it all in, it is very hard to see people including my family members going for this experiment, still, im totally lost for words, my days, of trying to get people to even consider the dangers are over, they are on their own at this stage, i did gain some sympathy towards those who had the first one, through the relentless threats and coercion and fear, but to carry on 4 years later ...... speechless.
had flu jab, but not Covid - last year caused myocarditis, consultant advised against having it
My husband was very ill after his second Covid jab and ended up with myocarditis too, although the medics denied it could be caused by the vaccination. His AF went into permanent AF and he now has a pacemaker. Definitely no further Covid vaccinations.
My cardiologist said it was the vaccine, so no more for me! I too have a pacemaker, for 2 years now after a cardiac arrest!
It’s interesting that my husband’s cardiologist denied it was to do with the vaccine, although it all happened very soon after it, and although usually pretty healthy, he was very ill for a month but it was impossible to be seen by a doctor. The doctor kept sending antibiotics until finally we went to the walk in centre who sent him straight to A& E. He was admitted immediately. I’m pleased to hear that your cardiologist accepted that it was vaccine related as otherwise records wouldn’t have been kept. His health has gone downhill since then, two Cardioversions and now a pacemaker.
I have permanent, though asymptomatic AF. My heart rate is within normal range, usually around 80.I have had every jab offered. I've lost count on how many that is. Had the latest covid and flu jabs in early September. The only ill effect was a sore arm for a day where I had the flu jab. I have never had covid.
Better than that is that my asthma exacerbations have gone from 3 a year before the pandemic to one in the last four years. I am 79.
I read some of the C-jab makers are quietly withdrawing the vaccine as the Public have become more aware of the unusually high level of risk & injuries suffered.
Never had the C-jab or any of the other seasonal ones offered by my GP surgery and have never been ill more than one year a while back I had moderate flu and cough that lasted a couple of weeks, nothing unusual there.
I am very fussy what I eat and where my food comes from, exercise daily and do take a few supplements.
Everyone is different but that works for me.
Same here — never had a seasonal jab and none of the C-jabs. No covid, no flu, just a few colds over the past five years (could have just been detoxes).
Also very fussy about eating 'clean' and food provenance, and exercise a lot.
Has worked thus far for me too!
I always have the flue jab but won't be having anymore covid jabs as I blame covid jab for causing my AF in the first place
Covid is no longer the killer virus that it was. Our immune systems are better equipped to deal with it. A lot of collateral damage with this vaccine affecting all our body systems.
how true when I told the doctor I didn't want the covid jab he said covid isn't like it was and like you said we must have developed some immunity by now I had to have the jabs at the time as was working in a care home I tested positive one time but wasn't ill also I blame the jab for causing my permanant AF
in fact I mentioned this to a nurse that l blamedcthe jab for causing my permanant AF her reply was she said i shouldn't say this but there is evidence that the jab caused a lot of arythmias
Has the covid and flu jabs about a month ago, but separately a week apart and no ill affects. I have them separate as a caution . Never had a flu jab before the pandemic but now have both every year.
I cleared it with Dr.
I take 1 x 500mg Amoxil a 2 hours before and another one 8 hours after.
Whether it was the COVID jab or a UTI tested positive and Dr didn't see the result done by nurse,
I had a heart flip on the day 3 and 4th. Sorry 2 on 3rd day counting day of jab and 1 on Day 4.
The Chemist said UTI or Covid. Dr said UTI.
So I will get the following jab in January with antbiotics to cover. (2) I gt a fright because I don't get pain, palpations or flutters. I am in persistent from 2019. H/Rate and BP contrlled.
Chemist that it was good that I took them. The antibiotics weren't not sorted until the following Monday and 7 days later.
Ask your Dr. I haven't had a flu injection since the 70s and working. Last flu I had August 2023 and caught it easily from a friend that I was playing Scrabble with. She works at a Playcentre. Neither had symptoms until following day.
cheri JOY. 75. (NZ)
I decided to have flu and covid vaccines this season but made sure to leave them a few weeks apart. I also treated it like any other shock to the system - potential inflammation etc - and made sure to do a lot of relaxation exercises, eat well, keep stress to a minimum for a week or two. I was diagnosed with persistent AF a few weeks after flu and covid vaccines given at the same time. So now I’m post-ablation and back in NSR of course I’m nervous about anything that could set it off. But I do feel good heading into winter with that extra protection from winter bugs!
I thoroughly recommend listening to Prof Tim Spector’s recent Zoe podcast on the lessons learned from the Covid pandemic - it’s so interesting to hear his data-based analysis of what we got wrong and what we got right, including his views on the vaccines. He seems confident that the vaccines have saved lives, and also that having the vaccine reduces your risk of getting Long Covid. But he also acknowledges some of the side effects, including on the heart.
You, like many of us, are weighing up the risks of catching the various winter viruses, against the risks of triggering AF, and that can only be a personal decision. Good luck😊
My elderly husband was given both the flu and covid booster vaccines when he attended for the flu one. He ended up in hospital three days later and remained for two weeks. . .It has taken a month since his return home for him to return to normal.
In the past I have become asthmatic myself after a Covid booster.
We shall not be attending any more vaccine clinics. We have heard of other people to whom this has happened..one was , maybe still is , in intensive care.
That is appalling. You should make a complaint.
Thank you for your response Auriculaire. The powers that be will not comment on the cause of either my recent asthma onset or my husband's hospitalisation. The reason for his admission was stated as 'fall' on his discharge letter. He did not fall...he lost all ability to support his body in any way and collapsed onto the floor , losing all control. The support workers who assisted us on his return home seemed to be less unaware of such a potentiality !! Neither of our experiences will appear on any statistics. We consider that complaining will simply rob us of even more energy with no result. In both scenarios the hospitalisation was necessary days after vaccines on previously well and healthy if aging people. ..both with heart conditions which thankfully were not exacerbated by these experiences....as far as we are aware....
You are right . Complaining is probaby useless. The energy would be better used in letting as many others as possible know about what happened to you. Even so to be given an unasked for and unwanted injection is tantamount to an assault. I hope you both make good recoveries. As a victim myself of fluoroquinolone poisoning I understand how such medical malpractice can be traumatic.
Had flu jab with no problems this year but covid one a fortnight later resulted in me having low BP (65/48) day after and going into AF for 12 hrs! I won’t be having Covid one again!
I've had both at the same time. I was already in Afib/tachycardia anyway but still would have had them. I'd rather suffer a bout of Afib than risking the alternative. Having lost my mother, my sister's partner and nearly my sister to covid, it's a no-brainer for me.
Everybody's different, but post ablation and cardioversion I had both flu and covid jabs with no adverse effects.
Hiya 50568789,
Unless I've missed a post in all this lot - you've nailed it ............. EVERYBODYS DIFFERENT ...... that is ...... all our NATURAL GOD GIVEN AT BIRTH immune systems are quite different. As we age I guess it is damn well obvious that these god given systems are going to vary in some whacko way too, and it must be equally obvious that these natural immune systems and artifical concotions we call vaccines are going to play off with each other/and against each other. Just accept it, it's the way the draw goes.
So, if ya (meaning the wider community ) have a vaccine with no side effects ... good luck to ya ........... if you have side effects - bad luck. Just don't take them ( be they injections or medication ) .... plan for the worst, hope for the best. Thems the breaks.
No and no, not ever had either and have no intention of doing so.
I'm with you! It was all one dirty game with C19, from the beginning... If there really IS a new virus in the nature, with the symptoms which, strangely, coincide with the symptoms of common flu, which, BTW, was never mentioned during 2019-2022, then we need at least thousands of affected before MDs realize that it is a new type of the virus and identify it as such. Here, they said it is a new virus after several cases. Then, why the dissections were banned from the beginning, why IVER and CHYN were forbidden for selling and use from the beginning, why were the people forced to take the jab at the cost of losing the job and income ...? In USA, Dr Fauci is facing arrest and court for his contribution to the whole case. Bull the Gates also...
I hope all responsible are held to account,then, and only then ,,,can integrity be restored to the medical world.
I don't see that ever happening tbh. Big pharma has so much money and influence they won't ever let go. People need to better look after themselves, read as much as they can, follow the right people and try to restore their own help. There are of course many medications that are necessary and useful but there are also many natural products that are too. We have been de-skilled, we need to reclaim the ability to stay healthy. It's a lot of work but allowing others to decide our health status for us is proving our undoing.
We both had the flu jab but for no sensible reason haven't had the covid jab yet. No previous troubles. Our 6-year-old grandson had quite a reaction to his nasal flu vaccination a week or so ago, developing quite noticeable cold-like symptoms for a few days and feeling less than 100% ("I'm 69% today grandpa!").
the last two covid boosters I had put me on afib and flutter for 5/6 weeks. This last one my GP said to give it a miss. She also said the latest booster is mixture as covid keeps changing……
no problems for us our niece had the flu vaccine and was quite poorl y but ok after covid vaccine. I know people who had them together and felt very rough.
What does ok mean? Sadly no one can see what these jabs are doing inside, ok now but not ok in a year or two years. My husband had 2 Covid jabs, he was healthy. Within 2 years he was diagnosed with colorectal cancer with liver Mets and spots on his lungs and aorta and a lesion on his sacrum. That was after having the regular bowel cancer checks via the NHS and less than a year after a clear one. How could that be? I know what I think!
I had an allergic reaction from the covid jab before last and my left arm is still painful from it all this time later so I had the last one in my leg! I didn’t have the flu one as on the two occasions I’ve had flu in my life a week or less in bed was all that was needed to recover from it. When I tested positive for covid for 14 days, I felt no different than I usually do with chronic fatigue, which means I spend most of the time sitting up in bed. My husband didn’t test positive until my day 10 and he felt no different either.
Please can you explain why after you've had that reaction you had another?
It was not the same vaccine. Apparently, 2 percent of people turned out to have been allergic to the previous one but I wouldn’t like to be involved in passing anything on to others who might have been affected badly by it. It was weird that my husband and I felt no different when we had it but it must have been what precipitated an episode of AF around the time I must have been infected, ended in a few hours with s Pip of 100mg Flecainide. Phew!
Given that the vaccine does not prevent transmission of covid (this has been known since summer 2021 ) your kind intentions towards others are misplaced. Especially as the mutations in the virus have made it less severe.
I wonder how we got it then when we did, with no temperature or different symptoms to what we already had ( odd sniffles) but positive tests after our daughter who we’d seen the previous day told us she had tested positive.
You can catch it anywhere . You probably caught it from your daughter. It's like any other respiratory virus -it circulates in the air where there are people. Your lack of symptoms means nothing. Some people have better immune systems than others and see off viruses while they are still in the mucous membranes of the nose or mouth before they have time to descend lower into the lungs. Also the tests are not totally reliable. They have false positives and false negatives.
Another excellent conversation on this most helpful platform.
I posted a year ago about a horrible reaction to my flu/covid jabs.
I've had both again last month - but on different days this time.
No adverse effects.
Stay well
I went into persistent AF for a second time 6 days after my 2nd Pfizer booster in Sept last year. A cardioversion put me back into rhythm in March, and so far it's lasted. Looking up research studies, one said that AF was an unusual side effect, but it was a bit more common after the 2nd Pfizer. I think I was also dehydrated when it started - that may have been why AF came back instead of it being the vaccine to blame.
As I've got an operation coming up in the New Year, I decided to risk another booster to hopefully give me a bit more protection from catching Covid, or at least making it milder if I do catch it in hospital. I was able to have the Moderna one this time, and made sure to drink plenty beforehand and for the week after too, and this time I stayed in rhythm!
The other possible trigger for both my episodes was ultra-processed foods. The day before both attacks I had unusually eaten quite a bit of UPF - usually I eat natural unprocessed food, but I have to be gluten free, and had eaten some commercial foods - gf bread and gf sausage rolls, with chemical ingredients. (And I've just spotted a study that found UPF to be associated with an increased risk of AF.)
There are so many triggers for AF that it can be difficult to be sure which one causes epsiodes! And of course Covid itself can trigger AF. I suppose we each have to weigh up the pros and cons for us personally. Good luck with whatever decision you make.
Not having one, last one in 2022
I first developed AF 10 days after my Oct 2023 Covid jab. I have not had any more since but I do have the Flu jabs each year with no ill effect.
I had my covid and flu jabs, 2 weeks apart. I’ve had the flu jab for many years, as I was a care assistant and we had to have them to protect us and the people in our care. I have had pneumonia jabs also. Quite a few of the old people I looked after, developed pneumonia and died from it, so I’d rather be protected against it, as much as possible.
Had both with no problems.
Always an emotive subject discussed ad infinitum. If you use the search facility, you will see all the previous discussions about it. At the end of the day, everybody's system reacts in different ways so you will get numerous different answers (and have) on here. You would be better discussing with your GP or EP as they are more familiar with your health history and can better advise what would be best in your personal circumstances.
Had all jabs so far, but this year have only had flu jab - which was fine (bar a sore arm). I see no reason to have the Covid jab. I had the jabs in the past and still caught it. It is now just another winter cold virus. Some suffer much worse than others - but that’s the same with most things.
Husband and I were poorly about a month ago. Was it Covid? I think it was. We don’t test (think the solitary tester we still have will be dried up by now) and the procedure is no different to any other infection - rest, dose and try not to pass it on.
No jabs here, had covid twice over the last 4 years (treated at home with a box full of goodies) and thankfully no changes in symptoms so will stay with and trust natural immunity.
I’ve had all the covid jabs and every time feel pretty rough for about 3 days after. This year I had the flu jab too (for the first time in years) but insisted I had them 2 weeks apart when the surgery called me in for both together. I didn’t get an afib episode from the vaccines but when I caught covid for the first time in March I felt rough as hell and had one of my longest episodes of afib yet. For me, it convinced me to continue to get the vaccine, particularly as 3 (older) members of our family died and 3 (older) friends in the early days of the pandemic. I appreciate we’re all different with different experiences / responses though. I don’t think it’s an easy decision for many of us.
I would take the risk, as having Covid is much worse than having an episode of Afib, which we all have from time to time. I myself have had six jabs to date, as well as my annual Flu Shot. I have never experienced an afib episode from either. Are you sure the Jab caused your Afib? Did you ask your Doctor about it?
Hi - my covid booster is booked for Wednesday and very nervous. I have had all other boosters offered.(Including Flu) . And had covid twice. On the last occassion, Covid knocked me into arrhythmia for a few hours ( that was June 2023) I am 58, female with no other health concerns but PAF and Migraine with aura. Am I better off risking a reaction to the jab or taking my chances. My EP says get it done.............now considering whether Pfizer or Moderna is preferable. Any advice would be gratefully received
Sill with Long Covid ( dysautonomia and postural hypotension with high BP at rest, and HR over 100 often totally randomly), had Covid x3 and jabs x3 yet left with these wretched symptoms. I’ve had the flu jab, will have the second Shingles one on Monday but I’m avoiding the Covid 1…might be totally illogical but one has to feel you are taking control over your health!
I had both and crossed my fingers so far ok. I had the flu jab first. Let it settle down and a week later had the covid
Never had the C19 jab. My idea was that, despite 72 yo, my natural immunity is far more advanced than the mRNA jabs that are just at the beginning of their development and not sufficiently tested. Got C19 once, was ill for about 2,5 weeks, without any "long COV" or similar. Now, my body has natural immunity - no boosters needed. My idea is that lockdowns were introduced with the purpose to prevent generation of "herd immunity", so the jabs and boosters remained the solely means of "protection". Good for profit...
I had 6 or 7 COVID jabs, but decided to not have any more. The jabs brought on AF for me, and life hasn’t been the same since. Never had it before these jabs, so afraid to have any more.
After my last covid boster I developed a really bad arrhythmia 9Not AF) and was in hospital for 4 days. I was told it was 99% likely to have been caused by the booster. I haven't had one since. The one prior to that gave me arrhythmia for a week but no one did anything about it but the second was so bad I had to call an ambulance. The paramedics were fascinated by my heart rate jumping from 40 up to 200 and back again. Your choice. I rarely leave the house because of spinal problems so my risk is probably lower than most
Both Covid and Flu have had a much longer lasting effect on my Afib than the usual one day reaction I get from ANY vaccination. Without vaccination... I can only imagine! Mpox, pneumococcal, flu, all have the same type of provocative effect. Any any make / variant of the Covid vax. I tried Novavax at the chemist last time as it's more "traditional" in formula - but still had a bout of Afib after.
I've got my booster Covid + flu ones next week and I'll just plan ahead, I'll be a bit dodgy for a day so will be careful to avoid absolutely all other triggers! On balance, it's worth it to me, I'm grateful. Definitely do not want months of flu or Covid and there's so much around at the moment.
I got RSV. flu and covid jabs. No afib reaction to any, but I did feel bad overnight from all three vaccines. (I got them all separately.)
I've been jabbed 8 times -- no AF episodes related to any of them. But last March I finally got COVID and my AF episodes ramped up drastically. Ended up having to get an ablation procedure much earlier than expected given the progress of my . I'd rather be jabbed than get the diseases....remember that just because you get an AF episode around the time you get jabbed does NOT mean that the jab caused it. But getting the disease can DEFINITELY cause AF consequences!
I’ve had both- no problems.
I stopped at two Covid jabs, too much heart damage for me. Heart raced for a month and I needed another ablation. Not all the batches are the same. According to the charts, my first batch had more adverse effects than my second.
At the peak of the epidemic, about 2 years ago, you were about 20X more likely to die from Covid if you didn't get vaccinated, but that was only about 1.2 people per thousand people. Nowadays its around 2X as likely to die without vaccination, but the overall death rate from the latest variants of Covid is quite low anyway, about 2 or 3 per 100,000 people. The number of people who get sick from Covid without dying is, of course, a lot higher. A meta study from last year showed that about 30 out of 10,000 people got arrhythmias from vaccines, but that's the general population. I'm sure the rate is much higher among AF patients. Inactivated vaccines had the lowest rate of arrhythmia, and mRNA vaccines the highest.
In case you're geeky and like statistics. I got these by searching for Covid death rate then Covid vaccines and arrhythmia.
I had my latest covid jab on Friday and so far so good. I had the flu jab a couple of week ago which was ok but last week I had the shingles jab which made me feel meh.
I have the flu jab each year with few side effects. Also had shingles vax this year without issues. Just a sore arm. I had my last Covid jab in 2022. It was Moderna. I believe it put me into repeated episodes of AF for nearly a year.
Had to increase my bisoprolol to 10mg a day to get on top of it. Then took a year to reduce it back to 3.75mg.
I decided not to have the Covid jab last autumn or this autumn. I have had Covid twice that I know of. Once after vaccination and once without the vaccination. I didn’t get AF during the second one. I had a brief run of AF a few days after the first Covid.
I think you have to make a difficult decision based on how you are as an individual. Moderna seems to trigger AF in some people. It also affected my son who has AF too. I had hoped a different type of vaccination more like the flu one would be developed. But reading the comments on Novavax it seems it had the same effect for the poster.
It’s a lottery I think.
We just all try to do the best we can to stay well.
as you said, it’s up to each of us to decide. I’ve had annual flu vaccines for more years than I can remember. And have had every covid vax offered. Since I’m on autoimmune meds, I’ve had more covid jabs than most. No adverse effects, except a sore arm. I did get Covid once, but it was mild.
I only had my Flu jab this year, with no issues. Last year, ten days after my Covid jab, I had an impromptu episode of AF ( I only used to get AF once a year up to that point) I can only think it was the Covid jab, so I won’t have anymore.