It's been a tad over a year since my stemi.
All has been going relatively well.
A month after heart attack ecg done all OK.
Over a month ago ( 10 months post HA) the cardiologist noted a first degree heart block on my ecg ( nothing worrying) so reduced my bisoprolol from 2.5 to 1.25 ( which I've been taking for 4 weeks).
I'm excersing well but yesterday an hour after the gym my resting heart rate shot up to 115 and stayed in that region for several minutes and I called 111.
I went to hospital had my ecg done and I have been told I have Atrial fib. They are re increasing my beta blockers to 2.5mg and given me apixaban long term.
I'm a bit miffed as I thought yup I'm going to beat my heart attack .
Can I still exercise? is this serious? anyone else who loves exercising have afib and what do you do differently?
many thanks