After my ablation, I did have absolutely new onset ocular migraines after the ablation. My understanding is that it can be related to the trans septal puncture, maybe the autonomic nervous system injury/inflammation. I also have, in conjunction, a weird dizzy/head rush feeling that precedes the headache. My heart rate/BP is always fine. It is getting better, and my EP team is not concerned about it. Just wondering if others have experienced similar.
Post Transseptal Puncture/PVI Ablatio... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Post Transseptal Puncture/PVI Ablation Symptoms

Hi, Megan! I had no ablation until now, but am regular reader of other people's posts and, during the past 10 years, I have noticed the following. After the ablation, large percentage of people complain about symptoms similar to yours - disturbed vision, headaches, disturbed stomach, shortness of breath etc. I would say that your idea about disturbed Autonomous Nervous System is quite correct. A good thing is that, after some time, the things correct from themselves and the symptoms disappear.
I have noticed another thing - people are usually very happy if their BP is "normal" or "on the low side". Low heartrate and low BP may only mean that, at least temporarily, your blood flowrate is not large enough, so your body suffers. Being the most sensitive, nervous cells in the brain suffer most, so you get a headache. Best wishes!
If you read the leaflet on Recovering from Ablation on the AFA website you will it is see very common.
I had the opposite- migraines with aura all my life - ablation - PFO found - not a migraine since.
Here’s a link where you’ll find the USA versions of the sheets CDreamer mentions
Best wishes
The one written by patients looks exactly the same on both US & UK sites - if you scroll down from the link given you will eventually see it.
I’m unable to post a direct hyperlink.
What medics tell you and real experience doesn’t always match!
Seriously! This handout should be given out at the hospital. My EP team didn't tell me any of that!! Thank you!!
I had the UK versions in the pack issued in a counselling session a few weeks before my ablation. There’s no difference in the versions other than the AFA contact details for UK or USA.
Best wishes
That’s because they only offer their own literature, not the AFA literature. Canvas your hospital.
Hi MeganMN, I absolutely agree that you should be told or be given some indication of various side effects, I had the same thing and was worried that I had a problem with my eye sight!! 😊😊
Yes, I did, everything would go white, heat would radiate from my feet up to my head and then whiteout. It was very scary particularly as I had to go up and down stairs etc., at the same time I would have occasions when I would speak and all that came out was gobbledegook, I knew perfectly well what I was saying but no one else did!!!!! So, after return visits to the hospital where I had the ablation carried out, without explanation other than migraines my cardiologis, concerned about the drop in my hr and the risks of me passing out decided a pacemaker would be the best option, I'm pleased to say it was and I haven't had another so called migraine since 2015.
I had a mitraclip operation last Tuesday which has brought with it multicoloured zigzags, flying black dots and a whole gammit of weird visual disturbances. No one in the hospital was the faintest bit surprised or alarmed by it, and one week on they are getting less common. Apparently caused by the puncture being made from the right side of my heart to the left.Today I've driven the car for the first time since the operation
My EP says my transseptal puncture is difficult. I have had ocular disturbances after my two ablations but only briefly - one day. No headaches.
Yes, I had repeated ocular migraines immediately after my ablation for 3 or 4 weeks but they are greatly diminished. I have had maybe 3 or 4 in the last 5 years.