Day three of new regime.
Woke up at 6.15 and took my first 100mg of Flec along with my 2.5mg of Bisoprolol. Within 5 minutes my hearts racing. done a check on my Kardia and its coming up unclassified with a BPM of 105. I took another reading a minute later and once again it came up unclassified and a BPM of 55 then a few minutes later unclassified again with a BPM of 101.
Things seemed to settle down quite quickly but i had another episode at 13.10 showing AF and 103 BPM then a minute later showing normal sinus and 51BPM.
Jump forward to 13.28 and im back in AF and a BPM of 129. All then went fine for a few hours then it came on again, back in AF and BPM of 126 then 25 minutes later in on 64BPM and normal sinus.
Is this really a case of letting the new dose settle in or does it look like these tablets/dose doesn't seem to be working ?