::::::: just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water , AF has reared its ugly head again , woke up 2.55am Sunday morning , not sure why as I wasn't in any pain or had any pulps etc, but within 5 minutes of waking there it was irregular upon irregular , so as normal a big sigh and dropped more flecamide 15mg to be precise , then up all night as I couldn't sleep , 5.30 went off to work with AF hoping the exercise and activity would flip me back , but noooo 9.0clock still banging away took another 100mg flecamide, so I had to leave work and go to hospital (at that time 6hrs in AF 150 bpm approx.) straight into A&E and the normal stuff , pads on, blood , drips ecgs etc, 12, o'clock no change so drs advised more flecamide I,V, as they were inserting the dose through the drip feed I had a funny turn , room started to spin violently and I couldn't focus, (very scary) , explain to nurse who stopped straight away , they waited 10 minutes and observed me in case I had another turn , anyway drs said they had a couple of options being one would be Amadadrone I,V (excuse the spelling I cant even say it let alone spell it , which would take 30min to go through the drip , and if that don't work it would be a full dose over 24hrs , the second was a sedative and a shock to the heart (basically a reboot ) which I didn't like the sound of , obviously , anyway luckily the 30min dose of that word for the drug above sorted it and within 10minutes of getting back into sinus rhythm they kicked me out which I was grateful for , haven't had nothing since , weird and very , scary does it ever end ,don't drink ,don't smoke , lost weight , changed diet , still work and get exercise, anyway that's it sorry it was a long un , have a great xmas all .
Derek .