Does the hot weather make AF worse? I have been having more frequent episodes, and have been sitting, in the garden, in the sun most days, although not for hours on end. How is everyone else getting on with the heat please?
AF and hot weather: Does the hot... - Atrial Fibrillati...
AF and hot weather

Yes it does. Being too hot puts strain on your heart and a stressed heart leads to AF. For the last few years I have had AF for at least a week every summer, hoping to avoid this year by putting my feet up or seeking a cool spot. My flat is south facing and gets very hot but the residents lounge is cool and so is the patio at the back of the building.
The hot weather has quite and effect on me because my AF is the cause of a lot of breathlessness. Heat just makes it worse and also adds to my general fatigue. I used to love sitting out in the sun, but cannot do that anymore. I don't suppose having had basal cell carcinoma helps either.
AF and heat are not a good mix. Try and keep cool and make sure that you are well hydrated.
I'm in western Canada. The heat here has been more extreme than summers I remember. What is worse than the heat for my AFL is the wildfire smoke. Some days it gets socked in with smoke and best not to go outside. Had to wear an N95 mask to the grocery store because of it. Particles in wildfires can affect the heart. Thankfully today the air has cleared and we have rain.
If I had a choice between hot weather and cold weather ,give me hot weather,make the most of it,because it's a long dark cold winter.
I love the sunshine but it doesn't love me. I have been exhausted all week, falling asleep in the day, feeling like death and not caring if I did die. I have to stay out of the sun, try to keep cool and remember it won't last. It has rained in the night and feels cooler. I feel better today. Just the problem of AFand getting older i suppose.Kathleen
Yes, I used to love the heat but it affects me now and the idea of anything over 35c is horrendous. Not that we've had it this year here. I take care to drink extra water and don't neglect salt in my diet and only exert in the cooler parts of the day. Last year - as an example - I thought it would be lovely to do my yoga on the lawn in the late morning sunlight. Bad plan- yoga is supposed to relax the system not induce tachycardia 😉. Fortunately it calmed down with some slow breathing- but I shan't be doing that again!
It was 41.6° on our balcony on Mon. Thats not a true shade temperature but it was the temp on our balcony despite 3 big umbrellas! Cooking is hard despite the air con unit in the kitchen. This year we have got one for our south facing bedroom and I am having to turn it off when the room temp hits 25° as it feels cold. So far afib holding off. Annoyed because it is too hot to work in the garden. Today it was cloudy and cooler at breakfast so we are hoping the heatwave is over and we can get back to normal August temps of 28-30° .
It might be more than the heat so stay well hydrated as dehydration can trigger AF... think electrolyte imbalance.
This excessive heat makes my ectopics far worse and I've been expecting AF for the last couple of days but so far, except for brief runs, nothing. I am not sure if this isn't party because I feel more irritable when it is very hot, and that makes the heart act similarly. Yesterday, whatever I did brought on a bounding run of ectopics. Bending down was the worst of all, so I guess my BP was low, too.
Keeping well hydrated can improve matters.
I hate the hot weather when it gets over about 24/25 C. It’s been 28/29 C where I live in the Midlands in UK and I sweat a lot and I can feel my heart beating faster and just can’t tolerate it. All I want to do is sit inside with my floor fan going full blast and my neck fan round my neck. Thank goodness it’s going to cool down to a more reasonable temperature in the next 2 days. I think it seems to affect me more, since I’ve had my ablation, although I might be imagining that.
I like the warm weather, but like my lifestyle, everything in moderation so I won't put my body through any kind of stress unless I can help it which includes not sitting out in the sun. Shade, yes but no sitting out in full sun.
My husband has had PAF for nearly three years. Each winter he’s had far fewer episodes and last year none for 4 months Nov-March. Definitely worse in summer months.
Yes I don’t like it too hot unless there is a nice pool, umberella or ocean 🏖️. If you are able to just sit and relax the AF may be calmer.
If you like sitting out try to maybe go out early morning or evening. If out in the day use a fan (I put one on an extension lead (always ensure it is well away from water or anything else that can spill or drip onto to it. Ensure the flex is not a trip hazard for you or anyone else or the fan falling on to you or anyone else) - that said just covering myself & your heath & safety) you could use a spray bottle to mist your skin and it’s very cooling as the fan blows over your skin. Stay hydrated with cool fluids (even make some ice lollies) - there are some good little silicone moulds with securing too so they can lie down in the freezer unlike ones with sticks - as they melt it’s recollected in the mould & not dripped over you 😂 Enjoy as best you can (soon be winter - I said it jokingly for all those booing me 😂
Enjoy your day
Lots of good tips there, thanks. Brilliant idea with the fan 😂😂. I can just visualise myself in the garden doing a Joan Collins or better still Za Za Gabor. You missed a bit out - nice glass of wine!! Just joking.
it’s not just the heat, it doesn’t help AF when you cannot get a good night’s sleep because it’s too humid. Good sleep is essential.
Thankfully I have a lovely cool house. I open all the top windows as soon as I get up in the morning. The heat outside makes me feel drained but doesn't have an effect on my AF as far as I'm aware. At night I'm sleeping under an empty quilt cover. I think the cold is worse for me.
The heat does make you feel drained Jean. The weather goes from one extreme to the other so quickly that it is a kind of shock to the body. I much prefer the summer months too. Shame it’s not so good for the heart. Since l have had AF., l feel the cold terribly. Don’t know if that is this condition, or the meds., but that’s another story. Like yourself, l think maybe the cold weather is worse for me. The sun is so cheerful after all the rain and a great tonic for the mind and body. Keep well.
Yes my AF started this morning and still going after nearly a year without.
That happened to me in April. Wasn’t hot then but know how you feel now it has come back. Sorry to hear that. It brings everything back including the anxiety and makes you feel gutted. Mine has been on and off since April and l am waiting to see a Cardiologist for a review. You are not alone, this is what this monster does to us, and you will be ok, so keep smiling through.
I am not going to complain about the sunshine after having rain for months on end. At least one can get outside and sit under the trees or a parasol . We know it isn't going to last long ; then everyone will be complaining that we haven't had a proper summer.