I put a similar post on general BHF site but wondered if people with pre existing arythmia experienced anything similar in hot weather. Background is Aneurysm in ascending aorta and congenital bicuspid valve found incidentally in sept last year. Had 12 days early Oct last year with heart beat at 75 ( when normally 50-5) and a and e confirmed afib and so on apixiban and canderstartin for lowering BP. Nothing arthymia related but did have a vasa vaga syncope last month. Anyway , last Sunday ( very hot) probably foolishly played in social ( rather than high standard ) but it was a proper cricket Match. Didn’t run about hugely . Anyway towards end of match heart seemed to quiver for say 5-8 secs episodically over period of 90 mins. Didn’t feel short of breath or in any pain. Went after cooling down. Did / have others had anything like that and whereas I didn’t know I was in Afib last year I felt this. Is that other people’s experience and is that a known event in hot weather?
atrial flutter and hot weather - Atrial Fibrillati...
atrial flutter and hot weather

Rob, the only thing I can tell you is that even people with no heart arrhythmia's can have little runs of a fast heartbeat. We that have had problems at times are unfortunately now ultra aware of them. The heat recently has been exceptionally hot too, so would have been an added trigger!
Hi Jean
But would you heart quiver ? I have never had this before?
I would say that a quivering feeling was a sign that your heart was beating at a fast rate. Though saying that there are so many ways that a heart can not beat right. Mine has been a bit like that today. Was doing my voluntary work and hadn't taken any pills with me. The cardiologist I saw a few weeks ago has taken me off of Flecainide, as he believes my crazy ECG was because of that. Just taking Metoprolol now.
Are you on any medication?

Dehydration is the most likely cause. Drink lots of water (2 litres min per day and more in hot weather)
Thanks. I had drunk loads as I knew that was a danger
Thanks for all the replies.
As soon as I was diagnosed my Dr told me to stay out of the hot weather. I lived in South FL lol not easy to do. My first day walking my new service dog I passed out. Please be careful. I do not perspire much so overheat quickly.