early this week my wife went for a blood test 5 samples were taken (she has not been right since having a pacemaker half-fit procedure had to be abandoned and she spent 5 days in intensive care last year) this morning we got a phone call from the doctors telling us there is something wrong that has shown up in the blood tests and they are making an urgent referral to the rapid heart failure unit at the hospital has anybody come across this before if so what does it involve we are both very worried
heart failure: early this week my wife... - Atrial Fibrillati...
heart failure

Something has been detected and needs checking out. This happened to me over a year ago and I am in heart failure, basically this means my irritable heart is not working quite as well as it should. Mine is mild and hopefully your wife's will be too. Try not to worry too much as this won't help and good luck x
Don't sit and worry, get on to your GP and ask! Why the medical profession carry on thinking that the patient can't possibly be told what's wrong with them I don't know. The internet is out there, have a wander round it, knowledge is power, try to find out what you can so that if need be you can ask relevant questions.
There are chemicals that show in the blood to indicate various heart issues. Heart failure is one, but the chemicals are not a perfect test at all, I gather, so more tests will be needed.
It will be a worrying time, it would be foolish of me to belittle this aspect as I suffer with health worry myself at times and no exactly what it is like. That said, I would feel confident that all will be well and that the tests will prove nothing but helpful and useful to help better treatment.
Heart failure is a blanket term which really needs a new less emotive name. It covers many issues and means the heart is maybe not working as well as it could. This is why your wife has the referral so it can be ascertained what can be done to improve things.When you are given new information about your health, the only thing that changes is what you know. The physical processes are unchanged but your mind goes into overdrive and provides you with anxious feelings to make your symptoms worse (free of charge too)

It is understandable to be alarmed, it is difficult not to be worried, but try your best to remain calm and provide the necessary support, you may wish to download the 'Atrial Fibrillation (AF) and Heart Failure' patient booklet api.heartrhythmalliance.org...
Kind regards
thank you for all your advice