I am seriously consider purchasing one of these. They are on sale for $266 on Amazon. Has anyone purchased one of these ECG recorders and if so, does it give accurate readings? Thanks
Wellue ECG Recorder with AI Analysis - Atrial Fibrillati...
Wellue ECG Recorder with AI Analysis

Yes, I’ve had one for a year or so. My experience has been very positive. I use the stick on pads (bought more 3m ones off eBay) as I found the strap didn’t really give me stable readings. You can search for posts from me and can probably see some images, but the AI analysis does a good job of picking up potential issues.
I used to download to my computer, but now I connect to the iPhone app, take a 30s sample, send it to AI and get a result back in less than a minute. I only wear it when in an episode, and find it gives me piece of mind.
Showed my cardiologist and he was impressed. It only really works when you are stationary - moving disrupts the signal. I’m thinking it’s as good as a Kardia with the benefit that I can monitor for days.
Hope this helps.
Thank you for your reply. I was hoping I would be able to use it with my iPhone, but I believe it may have to be used with our Mac computer. I sent a message to the company asking if I could use my iPad and they said no, I would have to use a computer. I will have to wait and see how that works when I get it today.
If you do a "Wellue" search of past Posts you will find relevant information ...
Careful you are not being offered a reduced price on an older model, as there are 2 new versions of the AI model now available (24 hour and 72 hour versions). Check Wellue online to see the complete range. And remember Wellue devices are not currently medically approved in the USA.
If you search this forum you will find my recent report on it, as well as on the smaller Touch Screen AI version. Both are excellent, but, given certain conditions and like all home ECG devices, the determinations done by AI can be fooled and give errors. The advantage of both Wellue devices is the option to use proper gel electrodes which create a noise-free reading that is far superior to devices that rely on fingertips.
I bought mine direct from Wellue themselves who offer a large discount for doing so.
If you would like any tips and help, send me a message, maybe?
Steve, thank you so much for offering to help me if I have any questions with the Wellue recorder. I attached a picture of the one I ordered from Amazon. I hope it’s the newest one and not the older one like you mentioned. I guess my main question is going to be can I attach it to my iPad or does it have to attach to our Mac computer.
I think you will find it was me who mentioned the newer models which are available.
The bad news is that yes, yours is an older model, but the good news is that Steve has this model and can certainly help you with using it appropriately.
On the Wellue website your older model is priced currently at $269. The newer models, below, are priced at $299 for the 24 hour version, and $369 for the 72 hour version ...
Thanks Bob! I wish I was getting the newer model but the good thing is that Amazon has free returns so if I’m not happy with it, I can always send it back. I will have to look and see what the differences are between the old and the new model as I thought I checked everything out, but the website is sort of confusing. Thanks again!
As I said, the website explains the differences. The newer models have a small external ecg display, but also provide a reduced version of the AI interpretations via the Wellue App. All models require a laptop and downloaded software to obtain the full AI reports.
I don't have this device as I don't have a laptop, but the limited AI available on the newer models via the App does appeal to me. I still recommend you read the previous Wellue Posts' link I gave, as comments there are very helpful and refer to the older model you have.
As for writing a PM, just select the Chat option at the bottom of any HU page. (I have know idea why it isn't identified as PM!) Alternatively, you can click on the photo id of the member you want to contact. This takes you to their Bio which includes a Chat option.
Good luck. Sorry I can't help with your ecg issues.
Hi there. I didn't mention the newer one, that was another poster (OzzieBob). Yes - the one you've ordered is the one I have and it's a great device. A newer model has a small screen on it, but I can't see any benefit to that; also, the new model has two versions, with one running for up to 72 hours (again - I don't think that is very useful). So - you've ordered the best one and a good ECG in my opinion and I am sure you will be impressed with its results.
Keep in mind that when you use it, any body movement will risk adding "noise" to the scan, but, of course, if you wear it when moving or sleeping, there's not much can be done about that. The results are generally still very good even with movement, so long as the gel electrodes and the press studs from the Wellue that attach to them stay put.
Also, the AI analysis it produces is very good but not a perfect diagnosis - only for indication. It covers a lot of arrhythmias, though, as well as AF. I have another arrhythmia called "left bundle branch block". If you have this, be prepared for it to fool the AI: ECGs from people with LBBB are something even experts struggle with, I have been told. For example, my Wellue occasionally reports a potentially dangerous arrhythmia called ventricular tachycardia (VT / Tach) when it isn't that at all (as confirmed by the specialist I see). If you do have LBBB, get back in touch, maybe (you can use the individual Private Message function at the top of the page rather than using the forum thread).
You will need to use your MacBook or Windows laptop, not the iPad (unless the software has changed since I last looked). You need to set up an account with them, too, to use this. I find it works easily and well, but any problems come your way, just get in touch. Wellue respond quite quickly to questions, too, I have found.
Awesome! Surely appreciate your help. I can’t figure out how to send a personal message though instead of posting on the forum. Can you try sending me a personal message and then that way I can respond back? Thanks.
I wanted to mention that the main reason I wanted this ECG Recorder was to see if it will pick up trigeminy and bigeminy which I seem to be having all day, every day. I’ve attached a copy of my EKG from yesterday. It’s been doing this for four days now and it’s really starting to get me down. Medication is doing nothing.
It will indeed. I get this a good deal, too, and yes - it’s wearing and hard going - stress inducing! I’ve actually just now left my wife in the supermarket to finish the shop while I sit in the car because of it.
Here is part of a trace from my Apple watch from just now. The peaks are wide on it as I also have left bundle branch block (LBBB) on and off.
I understand totally as I also avoid doing many things when my heart is out of rhythm. I was walking on my treadmill a few months back and my heart started skipping so I got off. I checked and I was in Afib and my pulse was 150+. It kept going on and it wouldn’t stop so I panicked and called the squad. I ended up going to the hospital. They gave me diltiazem intravenously, and that slowed my heart rate down, but I was still in Afib when I went home. I hate not being able to exercise and do the things I used to do for fear it will set off an Afib attack. I feel drained most of the time with little to no energy. I wish they could just give you something or find something to make it all go away, but I’m beginning to think that’s just a dream.
I just received this in the mail from Amazon. Is this a Wellue product? It doesn’t say that anywhere on the box.
It is. I bought mine from Wellue directly as it was much less expensive in the UK than Amazon. They are part of a large Chinese medical company called Viatom and seem to have entered the consumer market rather less professionally than might be expected selling under more than one brand name.
So long as yours has AI ECG analysis, which is free using their software, you’ll have the same product.
I must’ve done something wrong because I can’t login. I was able to download the app, but when I put the password and email in it keeps telling me wrong account or password?
I think I got the registration figured out. What I am wondering is do you have to wear it for 24 hours that can you wear it for just a half hour?
Yes - any time from five minutes 24 hours (if the battery is charged fully). It never switches “off” in a way, and just starts to record once you clip it on until you clip it off.
I’ll post an ECG from it once I’m on my Macbook.
Here's a part of the summary report.|
Wow! That’s awesome how it picks up so much info! I have mine on now and I will wear it all night. I’m excited to see the results. I noticed the green light flashes the way my heart is beating. At least it looks that way anyway.
That's right. If you have AF, it seems from one online study and my own experience that the device can, under certain circumstances, erroneously show some ventricular tachycardia happening - a much more worrying arrhythmia. If you get this, it could be because you have what is called a right- or left-bundle branch block. In this case, don't worry but do show the trace and the report to your cardiologist or doctor for their interpretation and comment.
Hi Steve. For 15 hours yesterday and have it plugged into the computer. Does it take a long time to get the report? It’s been plugged in for almost an hour. Thanks
Not on mine - that’s odd. I don’t think I’ve waited for more than an hour ever and it’s usually ten minutes or so.
Have you put the device properly in its USB adapter? If so it will show on your computer screen (or in File Manager).
You need to tell the app the file to upload though. Did you do that?
OK I was finally able to get the report. I’m sending you a copy of it. I’m really not sure how to read it, but I don’t think it looks good at all.
Well, that’s what would be called a “very heavy burden” of ectopic beats, almost all from the atrium (PACs). You are suffering with them. You should show this to your doctor. Have you never had a monitor from your doctor to measure the ectopic burden before?
I’ve not run my Wellue when my ectopics are bad and there are times I could likely match your reading, I expect. Many of mine wrongly show as ventricular at times so at least yours are correctly reported as atrial. I have a kind of heart block issue called LBBB which confuses the AI on the Wellue.
Yes I have had a halter monitor before but when I wore it, my heart was not giving me all the issues that I’m having now. I noticed there are no Afib readings and this is the reason they are giving me Flecainide. Because the flecainide isn’t working, they want to put me on Rethmol. I’m not sure what to do.
I did send this report to my doctor’s nurse. I just need something to help with my arrhythmias. This has been going on non stop for too long now. Did you a say you had an ablation?
That was for atrial flutter in 2019. I’m having a second in about a year (that’s the waiting time in the UK unless you pay privately). It’s for both my AF and ectopic beats. Have you thought about this?
Is your LBBB serious? What can the do for it? Did the ablation help your atrial flutter? I have read so many stories on here where people have had an ablation and it didn’t help or it actually made thing worse. Lately an ablation has been on my mind. If an ablation has a high success rate of returning NR I then I will more than likely consider having it done.
Thank you so much. You’ve been a great help answering all my questions and helping me with the ECG recorder. I really appreciate it.
LBBB is rarely serious, as I understand it. Often, it’s a sign of other heart problems but I just have it for no obvious reason. It causes some symptoms, but not too bad.
An ablation for atrial ectopic beats depends where in the atrium those beats arise. Sometimes it’s a single “focus”, sometimes it’s “multi-focal”, I’ve read. The latter is much harder to ablate, apparently.
I would ask your doctor about the possibility. In the end it depends on how much of a problem the beats cause.
I'm very impressed by the speed of your purchase of the Wellue, and the help it is with your urgent concerns. And kudos to Ppiman who has given you both emotional and technical support.
As I could soon be a purchaser of one of these devices, your commentary has been very helpful and informative to me, and, no doubt, to others on the Forum.
Please continue to share your ongoing struggle in this Post to get your issues meaningfully addressed by your medical team.
Thanks to both of you, and good luck.
Regarding the models from Wellue, Bob is right - the new one does use an app on a phone so doesn’t need a laptop to get the AI review. That is an advantage if you don’t have a laptop of course but I would save the cash and stick with the one you’ve ordered.
But we need to acknowledge that users of the newer models only "... receive a simplified AI analysis report through the App" (my italics). And not the full AI report available via software on a laptop. I don't think either of us yet know how valuable this simplified AI analysis will prove to be. I hope someone on the Forum reports on this simplified AI analysis in the near future.
It will be the same, I guess, as the one I receive using the handheld Wellue AI Pulsebit monitor (pictured). It covers much the same as the 24-hour one, and makes the same occasional errors! I have LBBB and, my specialist tells me because of this, and especially for some reason if I use the Pulsebit in "chest lead" mode (i.e. with one side pressed against the left chest, rather than using two thumbs), it sometimes tends wrongly to state "ventricular tachycardia" instead of AF.
Here is an AI report from it, you can just see the ECG trace that is also included at the bottom.
So presumably this report comes from the App? Is that all you get?
Doesn't it also give tables of the frequency of each of the 17 rhythms available in the full report? Which bit is simplified? The number of rhythms or the report summary? something else? And the website frustratingly doesn't go into these details or show examples.
I pretty much only use the ViHealth app now. A typical use case for me would be when I go into AF (last Saturday). Stuck it on - unfortunately then went to ER on Monday as still going. Got some good results out of the hospital with a atrial flutter with 5.1 / variable block and have me some sotalol. Have been monitoring using the Wellue (the dark grey one) and post my easy walk this morning my P wave returned and back in NSR. Here’s a report from the app.
Thank you for sharing. I have my recorder on now and I’ll be interested to see what it says in the morning. My Apple Watch notified me once today and twice yesterday that my heart rate was under 40 bpm for 10 minutes. Weird. I’ve never had that come up before. I think it’s because I’m in trigeminy and the early beats are not being counted.