Hello everyone, after almost 35 years with afib I am beginning to see a pattern. Before the onset of an afib episode I notice my BP goes up to around 130/95 ish and my HR drops to around 45, whether I'm being active or resting, and stays that way until I go into full afib which could be 6 or 12 hours later and then lasts for anywhere from 1 to 24 hours then converts on it's own to NSR. Does this sound afib normal or could there be something going on? I haven't contacted my EP yet to discuss this because to him nothing is a big deal. Any response would be very appreciated. Thank You
Can Anyone Relate To This?: Hello... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Can Anyone Relate To This?

The rise before AF starts could indicate (no medic here) that there is a ANS - Autonomic Nervous System - response as ANS controls both BP and HR.
BP will always be erratic when in BP - one EP used the analogy of a tap and the flow being turned on and off - high pressure, followed by low. It’s almost impossible to get a solid BP reading when in AF.
My pre-cursor to AF would be drop in HR during night with corresponding drop in BP but high HR when active followed by either a rise or drop in BP and a ‘sinking’ feeling in my stomach.
I suspect it’s of no consequence as these things tend to be. I have read a few times that a high BP in general can make the atrium work harder and cause its walls to stretch more. This stretching then makes the cells more prone to ectopic beats and AF, so that might be a cause. The low heart rate might also be implicated.
I wonder what your doctor will say?
CDreamer states it well. Certain foods can create a ANS response also, which I notice in my case. I ate something yesterday which created that response and I felt totally a nervous wreck which lasted a good hour after I ate. A complete mystery how our bodies react. I know I have a lot of food sensitivities which doesn't help the AF situation either.
After over 10 years of having Afib and being on beta blockers and anticoagulant, I noticed the predisposition for coming Afib as the tinging feeling in the stomach begin. (like sometimes worried or fight and fly feeling symptoms). If I am ignoring this condition and don’t take b-blocker the a-fib onset would started. The HR would go up to 160 and BP up to 160/95 , than i should take antiarrhytmia-Flecainide to stop this mess .Also I noticed, that to empty intestine a few times a day (even though I am on healthy and small portion diet) sometimes would help to prevent onset of Afib .🤤
Talked to cardiologist -relying on the tests -no big problem.!!! 🤤Changed the med : from Bisoprolol 5 mg to Sotalol 80 mg .No differences !!!😊
What the most worried me is the heart rate.I have shortage of breath , headache , palpitations, and more.
in other words, elderly people—we are researchers of our own symptom and conditions.
The afib onsets hasn’t been established where the weird heart electrical signals are coming from .
Therefore, the med. just suppressing the symptoms !?😴
Moreover, my night blood pressure started arose instead of be lower .
I’ve read that sympathetic and parasympathetic systems are blaming.
Thank You for your reply and I'm glad to hear they've sorted out and corrected your problem. Have a Wonderful Day
Read an article today regarding new research with AF as more and more people are being diagnosed with it. Have to wonder if it is food related or allergies? this article said it is a mitochondria issue. In other words not enough energy is being produced. Which makes sense to me. Because the older one gets the more issues one has with AF.