My Afib episodes tend to initiate in the early hours of the morning while I am still in bed asleep, and I am unable to sense the precursors to it.
On a number of occasions, however, I have had stomach bloating start in the evening, and when I lay down for bed, I soon felt gas pressures rising into my chest, and my heart started to beat more heavily. I quickly get up, taking good breaths through my nose, and take antacid meds, sip water and pace for a while. Since the threatening gas does not abate for hours, I know that if I should lie back down, I would very probably have an Afib onset.
Consequently, I sit up all night, walking off and on, taking the antacids, sipping water and breathing well. I also try to find relief on the toilet. On most of the occasions, I am able to dodge the bullet and outlast the threat until my stomach begins to gurgle and relax and/or I am successful at the toilet.
Have others had this kind of heads-up from trapped gas and been able to fend off Afib, also? Do you have other warning signs that enable you to take action to avoid an imminent Afib episode?
To me, this is pretty clear evidence as to the triggering of my Afib.