Interesting information has been in the news lately. I have always been cautious with artificial sweeteners and have avoided them because of their potential impact on heart health. The latest news is on xylitol. I have always heard positive things about xylitol, especially regarding its ability to help prevent tooth decay. It can be everywhere including some toothpastes, candies, chewing gum, and mouthwash. Unfortunately, it may cause problems with blood clotting. At this point, it's based on an observational study in the European Heart Journal. The study noted that people with the highest levels of xylitol, compared to those with the lowest levels, had nearly twice the risk of heart attack and stroke. And it may heighten the risk of thrombosis, though more studies are needed. I take apixaban because of my risk(and fear) of stroke due to AF/AFIB. We don't need the risk of another chemical with potential ability to clot blood.
Xylitol and thrombosis: Interesting... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Xylitol and thrombosis

Thank you for this. The previous news on sweeteners in fact included ANY added sweetener, this includes sugar.The new European study you reference concentrated on Xylitol, but others have also called out other sugar alcohol' additives, with other names we all have heard of.. glycerol, Isomalt, sorbitol and erythritol. This latter one is used as an adjunct in Stevia 'natural sweetener' products. Trojan horse indeed.
No, nothing is truly safe, though one has to hope small amounts are ok....????
Hi Fraser
I'm quite an active member on this forum and have been for many years, I'm constantly warning people here about artificial additives to food and drinks, especially sweeteners . They were a sure trigger for AF attacks if I unwittingly consumed them. After having had AF for 19 years I now go by what effects chemical additives have on me personally, but do share what I find in case it can help others here.
Thank you Fraser B for posting this.
I used to use Xyletol and often wondered if there was any research on it. My understanding is that Xyletol is a natural product in that it is made from birch tree sap (just Stivia is made from a plant) however the problem may be in the processing. Since diagnosis with AF I'm finding that whole foods are the way to go and I now use Agave syrup and honey which are both whole foods.