Because of afib/flutter diagnosis I've been prescribed diltiazem (rate) and apixaban (stroke). The last 6 months I've been having stomach pain (comes and goes) and every month I get a subconjunctival eye hemmorrage (without pain). I've looked at my diet and lifestyle and nothing different. When renewing my latest prescription the pharmacist told me something neither doctor nor cardiologist mentioned and said to have my GP monitor if any unusual bleeding. He said diltiazem is an inhibitor of CYP3A4 which may increase blood levels of apixaban a potential bleeding risk. Now wondering if stomach pains and eyes are related? My main concern is stroke so if I can avoid this I'll be happy. Though I've now made an appointment to see GP to see what he says.
My question is had anyone had similar side effects from diltiazem and apixaban combination?