First question: I had an episode of atrial fibrillation Friday morning. Usually, when I have an episode, I feel normal after it stops. I took a flecainide and it stopped after a couple of hours, but I felt bad the rest of the day - as if I were still in afib, without the pounding heart. I took a couple more EKGs with my Kardia, and one came back "unassigned," so I asked for a reading by a clinician. That came back "sinus rhythm with single PACs," so I guess this is normal? So what I want to know is whether people usually feel normal after an afib episode, or is it usual to feel rotten for hours afterwards?
Second question (and this is weird!): I noticed that evening or maybe the next day that my fingertips looked purple! I took a photo. I do have pale skin, so maybe I'm just imagining something? I consulted "Dr. Google" and found nothing related to afib. Has anyone else experienced this after an afib episode? Have I made something up in my head?
Third question: The next day, Saturday, my heart was beating faster than usual all day so that my Fitbit thought I was exercising for like 6-7 hours. It wasn't so fast as to be tachycardia, just faster than usual for me, with no afib. I think it was related, because the next morning, boom, another afib episode about 7:30 am. I took a flecainide, that went away in about 2 hours, and then I was fine - no lingering effects. I felt normal.
Last question: During the second afib episode, I happened to look at my Fitbit and noticed that my heart beat was dropping down into the 30s as well as going up into the 150s and 160s. Do others experience that, and I just never noticed before?
I realize I might have to go back to taking flecainide full-time, but I so hate that medicine. Thank you for reassuring me when I have these stupid questions - I feel anxious because there was so much here that seemed different from my normal episodes. And I hate to bother my cardiologist with my endless questions because he has so many patients who are worse off than me.