I was savouring my daily 20g dose of 70% dark chocolate this evening and decided to check out if it’s considered an ultra processed food. So I came across a recent follow-up study of 84000 post menopausal women (reported on the Zoe site) which suggests 2 or 3 portions of good quality dark chocolate a week reduces the risk of mortality, most notably from cardiovascular disease and dementia. Now that’s my kind of medicine!
Chocolate and mortality: I was... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Chocolate and mortality

Now - thats my kind of medication!
I think I could go along with that too. Gosh it's a hard life!
There's more different types of that medicine out there than there is for AF 😁.
For me Summerdown mint chocs are the most effective but they do come with side effects that once taken all others no longer work 😋.
I think we can all get on board with that treatment - enjoy. Mine is sea salted dark chocolate - 3-4 squares.
could definately cope with that medication 😂
I prescribed that medication for myself a long time ago 😆
Hi Rainfern - what’s the Zoe site? x
Originally set up by Kings College London as an app for measuring the impact and changing nature of Covid symptoms. NHS made use of it where government was failing. Now developed as a commercial enterprise to improve people’s diets, provide science-based nutritional advice and, at a price, help with individualised diets based on gut biome and the like.
Good to hear from you Flipper, I hope all is well with you?
Thanks Rainfern, currently I’m absolutely great, I’ve retired from work, the stress of it caused more AF, made me horrendously tired. Stress & tiredness (I’m insomniac)makes AF worse, to the point I was just not functioning at all. I’m now able to sleep when ever I feel the need, no matter the time of day. I am obviously able to control the amount of stress I’m exposed to & control how it’s dealt with! Therefore, I’m beginning to feel less drained, more happy - I just celebrated my 60th birthday on a sun sand & sea holiday tht did me the world of good. I couldn’t be happier than I am currently. All that work on Mindfulness had paid off, training my self not to rise to the bait about anything. Even when sat on a pier at night on holiday, suddenly saw the triangle of a shark fin go by! My husband & I both at the same moment, calmly said, “Did you just see that?” Both laughed & we both then said, “I’m glad you you saw it as I thought I was seeing things that weren’t there!” Would have been a hell of a different reaction had we been in the water haha - don’t think mindfulness could have helped that. We later found out it was a Nurse shark that are apparently virtually harmless. Hoping you are ok too xxx
Purist that I am, it's Montezuma 100% cocoa solids for me ! (no sugar at all and you do get to like it after a while... especially with a prune and/or a couple of Brazil nuts as a combo ! )
I believe over 75% is a good bench mark as lower sugar content .I love Lidl 85%, tasty and good price.
I treat my self with dark chocolate everyday as well, but beware of how your particular brand rates on the heavy metal containment ratings which are not controlled. Many big name brands contain way too much lead and cadmium. There are lists on internet. I like Taza Super Dark 85%.
Zoe still classifies it as ultra processed though!
Originally set up by Kings College London as an app for measuring the impact and changing nature of Covid symptoms. Actually when Covid started, the Zoe people were in the thros of setting up the app to introduce the Zoe Personal Nutrition Program in the UK. Because of this, when Covid hit, they were in a unique position to easily put their technology to good use enabling people to record their symptoms each day. I've been doing it for nearly 18 months (although I don't now need to pay or use the app) and it has certainly changed the way I eat even though I thought I was eating fairly healthily before I started.
But I read it should be 80% and taken before 2pm in the day.
No pimples!
Care that like whittikers they are mot using coconut of any sort.
I enjoy Lilt 80% Dark with Chilli.
cheri Joy 75. (NZ)
wow do I ever agree with you wink wink