I take Tildiem 500mg for AF and Hypertension .My BP had been creeping up so 6 weeks ago GP added in Losartan 25mg.Since then I have been aware of my heartbeat more, similar to when I started Diltiazem. My main worry is my resting heart rate has increased from 60 to 70.Has anyone else experienced an increased heart rate on Losartan?Thanks in advance.
Raised heart rate with Losartan - Atrial Fibrillati...
Raised heart rate with Losartan

Not personally but do remember that 70 is still near bottom end of normal. Many here would kill for that!
Its in the leaflet about heart rate issues. I'm on Losarten and its horrible on my head but my heart rate is fine. It should settle over the 2-3 weeks it takes to optimise.
Thanks for replying, I saw was in the leaflet was really wanting to hear other people's experiences and how made them feel as I find it disconcerting being aware of my heartbeat again.
I take 100mg each day, not for high BP but because I was told it is a good "cardio-protective". It doesn't seem to have caused any side effects at all but there are other antihypertensives you might try. Be sure to use your coming review to ask questions - write a list before you go.
Yes I have been on several over the last 40 years some unsuitable but thanks for trying to help.
Hi, I have been taking Losartan for a few years now, even before I developed atrial fibrilation. My dose was increased a few years ago to 2 x 50mg per day to control BP. However as a sceptic, I decided to split the dose to 75 mg in the morning and 25mg in the afternoon to ensure I am not overloading. I did this after reading of interactions with my other medications. This works well for me and when I privately went to see an electrophysiologist (EP), he said that Losartan is an excellent medicine. All I have read seems to agree but as most people say, "everybody reacts differently"