Hot off the press!
Essential reading for anyone considering an ablation.
Best wishes
Hot off the press!
Essential reading for anyone considering an ablation.
Best wishes
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Jump to repliesThanks for this. I read it just before I went in for my ablation yesterday and confirmed that I was doing the right thing as first line treatment for my afib. Kill the rogue cells early on before they spread like a wildfire!
Wow! Thank you MikeThePike. Everything I want to know about catheter ablation for afib in one place, a synthesis of what I’ve managed to learn from reading dozens and dozens and dozens of studies online, plus more I have yet to learn. I have some hefty reading ahead!
Most of all, it confirms to my satisfaction that I made the right decision after being diagnosed with afib in 2020 (it started earlier). I’m the one who, from taking a deep dive into the research literature, made the decision that ablation was my best way forward. I had to wade through two drugs-only cardiologists to find a third who supported my investigation into an ablation by referring me to the top EP in my area. Two ablations later, the first for afib the second for atypical aflutter, I’m in SR with a normal HR and close to being off all drugs. I couldn’t be more grateful.
It would appear that ablation is becoming the first-line treatment of choice for those with afib. A new frontier.
Thanks again for getting this information to us. This forum is invaluable. I appreciate each and every one of you.
Hello there, thanks for the positive feedback. I'm so glad that you found it useful. It's great to see members like yourself doing their own research and taking charge of their health. Best wishes.