Hi, I appreciate there have been a few recent posts about Flecanide this week which have been helpful but havent answered my own issue. Pre stroke last November I was taking 100mg pill in the pocket. Post stroke I was put on 100mg daily. Had a 48 heart monitor and got a call to say I should reduce to 50mg twice daily which I did. With either dose I was still getting an AF episode once a week. They lasted a lot less hrs than before and were different -more of a rapid heartbeat than the original all over the place ones. When I saw the cardiologist last Thursday he said once a week was too often so put me back on 100mg twice a day which initially wiped me out for a few days.
Yesterday all I did was tidy up the rubbish bags outside as the foxes had got into them (London problems...) but when I came inside the AF started, only 4 days after my last one. I felt so discouraged that nothing has changed even with a higher dose after a little physical activity.
Question 1: I'm fasting for Ramadan so is the Flecanide not working properly due to my strange timetable? I have to take it before and after the fast and its not an hour before food. I have to take it then eat. Does this stop the absorption it needs to fully work?
Question 2: can I vary between 50 and 100 mg as I saw on another post, as if 100mg makes little difference then why am I subjecting my body to a higher dose? Or am I just being impatient and should give it time to settle in?
I always find the forum so helpful so thanks to all in advance.