I’ve been on this drug for more than five years. I’ve had two ablations and I’m still on it. A lower dose, of course, and doc wants me off it completely. I’ve lowered my dosage but afib comes back. My question to y’all is has anyone experienced hand tremors and weak legs? Last night I felt my legs tremble and almost give out.
Flecainide and hand tremors - Atrial Fibrillati...
Flecainide and hand tremors

Well its strange you said this. I was on flecainide some years ago with no issues. Went back on it several weeks ago and my legs keep feeling weak. I cant say I am dizzy actually but there is an unsteadiness which threatens to make me feel unstable. Must look at the side effects leaflet as this feels most odd.
Not really. Been on 200mgs Flecainide for 11yrs. Have noticed a slight hand tremor on the keyboard but put that down to increased stress as has gone again after a business event.
well it’s funny you say that as I was eating my dinner the other day snd my left (fork) hand was slightly trembly. I haven’t noticed this before, but now I’m aware of it especially another time I was trying to look through some binoculars and wobbly then
I have also noticed a loss of balance, but put all this down to my age (80 this year).
I’ve been on flecainide for 6 years 50mgs twice a day
Best wishes
The only way to know if it’s caused by Flecanide is to come off it and see if the symptoms go away but if it’s controlling your AF you’re caught between a rock and a hard place. It may not be the Flecanide at all. It might be an idea to be checked over by a neurologist or neurophysiologist.
I was on Flecainide for a very short period last spring. Lots of arrythmias and hands shaking so bad. Had to stop and back to sotalol
I had been taking it for years but not completely succesful with new afib. So I was prescriped first flecainide then rytmonorm (propafenone cloridato). Both very disturbing, the last one sent me to ER so back to Sotalol which is not perfect but gives me no side effects