Had my ablation 8 weeks ago and apart from 2 spells of AF early on and palpatations I feel I have done quite well. Cardiologist told me to come of my blood thinners after 5 weeks so not been on them now for 3 weeks (so far so good) cardiologist now wants me to stop my flecanaide and bisopropol altogether and see him in about a months time. Has anyone else come of all medication and have found this ok. To be honest I am a bit scared to do this but it would be nice to be tablet free. I am sure he knows what he is doing and have to put my trust in him. 😳. Any experience of this would be appreciated. X
Coming off medication: Had my ablation... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Coming off medication

This is what I find is very strange. Clearly all these specialists have totally differing views on what is best.
We are of course all different. I have had a lot of ablations.
I have never been told to stop the anticoagulants and although I was finally told to stop taking Bisoprolol about a year and to reduce from 150Mg x 2 per day I am still on 100Mg twice a day.
Even on that dose I had a 5 hour episode of AF on Tuesday.
As I said we are all different, but even taking that into account there seems to be wildly differing approaches to the management of AF patients.
Your doctor knows your case better than we do so you can only trust him/her to be suggesting what is right for you.
Thanks pottypete1. Yes got to put my trust in him. He doesn't seem to think I am a high risk of anything. Well I will take his advice and see how I go. Fingers crossed. 😳
When you say '5 hour episode of Afib' what do you mean? Like really erratic heart rythm, or a few skipped beats or flutter?
Yes really erratic AF not skipped beats or flutter. This is the way I have suffered AF since I first had the condition which was 26 years ago.
Up until my last ablation 6 months ago (I have had 7 ablations) this was the way my AF manifested itself. It is called Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation.
6 months is the longest I have ever gone without having an AF episode.
The day of my third ablation my consultant came to see me afterwards and said to stop my Flecainide and Metoprolol right away. By the next day I was back in a bad session of AF. Couldn't go home and had to stay an extra day. I'm sure it must be better to come off the pills gradually.
That's just my view.

The choice is yours obviously but many of us choose to stay on anticoagulants for peace of mind. There is no real proof ablation removes the risk of stroke.
Of course if you had a CADSVASC of zero before and you were only anticoagulated for the period of ablation and recovery then there could be an argument to stop but few people do.
Hi bob. Yes I was put on dabigatran 1 week before my ablation and was never on one for the year leading up to that. I was told to take it for 3 months after the ablation but then cardiologist said 5 weeks was sufficient. My CADSVASC score is 1 but I believe that is because I am female?. I suppose I have got to trust what he says. When I meet with him in about a month I will talk to him about this. Thanks for the reply. 😁
Bob can I just ask are you on other medication for AF or just a blood thinner?
If you've got a Chads score of 0 will some Drs not even prescribe anti-coagulants? All the Drs / consultants along my ablation journey have said that anti-coagulation stops 3 months afterwards. Not "do you want to stop?"
If I said I actually want to continue, are there any guidelines on whether I get any say in it?
I came off the flecanaide 10 weeks post ablation and eliquis and Cartia XT 2 weeks later. I had no issues at all.
I was also nervous but it worked out. The low frequency of afib after your ablation is a positive sign.
Best of luck!
Still on all meds after 18 months cardio said apixaban for life others indefinitely but I am 74 I would not risk a stroke seen first hand how devastating it can be
I came off bisoprolol on the day of my ablation. I chose to stay on anticoagulants as I have higher chadvasc score.
I came off all meds very slowly after my ablation.
EP quite happy to stop all straight away, (apart from anticoagulant like you..5 weeks too, )
However, I decided to do it slowly over 3 months by cutting down a little more each month, EP happy for me to be cautious .
It has all worked out well so far.
2 years post ablation in April this year.
Good luck and its so nice to be drug free, at least for a while!
I had a very similar suggestion, regarding Apixaban and Bisoprolol. Had my last Ablation in January. My EP wanted me off both these meds in 42 days. However because I’m still not stable he has told me to stay on Apixaban, also as Bisoprolol was prescribed for my nerves and not by him, I’m left alone. As I was also scared to come off these meds.
Yes. I had an ablation in 2016 (also a pacemaker). And soon got off all cardiac meds. Am still off meds and doing well. Re the anticoagulant, the need for taking it depends on your doctor evaluating your stroke risk, If he took you off, he obviously thinks you have a low risk. It would be a question I would ask him next visit. Understanding why our docs make decisions, for me, always lessens anxiety. AF/ ablations are so different for each person, you will probably see many different med and treatment combos mentioned in these posts. I believe when my doc gives me instruction re treatment (for anything) I ask why? what is his rationale? I do this not to question his ability (well, sometimes I have) but to understand more about my care. Take care. irina1975
Thanks irina for the response. Glad your off the meds and doing well. Long may it continue for you. I hope it works as well for me. Fingers and toes crossed. Xx
Hi Juliamahoney240576 I’m due to return to my EP in July with view to having Abalation and I’m petrified of having it done. I’m just turned 75 years and afraid of Dieing during the Op. My EP said I am very healthy and an ideal candidate for the Op. I’m suspicious and don’t trust anyone... especially Doctors!!!
I’ve developed AFib at 73 for the first time! I live in Ireland.
Thanks for all your great advice.
Hi Mary. I know it is very scary but you will be fine. I was so scared of having it done but I really mithered for no reason. It was all fine I felt no pain and feel like I have been lucky with recovery. Honestly it's easy for me to say I know but go for it it's fine. Good luck. Xxxx
My situation is similar to yours. I was diagnosed with atrial flutter at 73. Unfortunately, my condition deteriorated to persistent atrial fibrillation in one year before my GP sent me to a specialist, a cardiologist, not even an EP. Going overseas, I had two ablations in four months (age 74). Four months post my second ablation I am still getting episodes, so there is talk of a third at the end of the summer if my condition does not improve. Like you, I was healthy. So, consider two things: 1. read up on how an ablation is done -- internet, and 2.) make sure you have a very good EP as our hearts are not the youngest. Good luck on your ablation. You are not trusting any doctor -- you are trusting an EP, and that makes all the difference.