Hello everyone! I'm trying to conduct an anonymous survey that studies if there is a correlation between curcumin/turmeric consumption and improvement in AFib symptoms. I would like to publish the quick survey to this forum, anyone who has or hasn't consumed is welcome to fill it out! It will only take 10-15 minutes, but does anyone know if I should reach out to someone specific in the group before posting the survey? I don't want it to be taken down 😅 Thanks!
Quick curcumin/turmeric+AFib research... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Quick curcumin/turmeric+AFib research survey
I notice you've only joined the forum today. Do you have AF? What is your background? Why are you doing the survey and what do you hope to achieve from it?
Thank you for asking! I do not have AF but I am a high school student who aspires to become a cardiologist. I am writing a research paper for a class in school pertaining to cardiology (turmeric/AFib) as that is the field I wish to pursue I also hope to get this research published to bring more awareness to the benefits of turmeric/curcumin as it is unfortunately not FDA approved as a therapeutic drug to treat medical conditions.
I was told to avoid turmeric as I am on anti coagulants, as many people with afib are. Is this not a concern?
Yes, this unfortunately is a potential limitation of my study as turmeric is known to be natural blood thinner and can dangerously thin blood if taken with other blood thinners such as warfarin. However, you don't have to consume curcumin through supplements (which tend to be strong), I've heard some with AFib consuming small amounts of turmeric powder in meals as it can aid with pain and inflammation, which is why I wish to study the properties of turmeric in specific relation to the heart!
Good Morning, I have sent you a 'chat' message this morning in response to your enquiry.
Kind regards
Hi, I think a difficulty with all none medically tested products is how dose anyone know it works. if someone feels better great, but that could be a placebo effect. I was told by a medical professor that drug companies are not interested in paying for research into natural products as they can't patent and make mega bucks from sales. So sadly, for people who have long term conditions using natural products can be hit or miss and risky.