could I be cheeky please and as for s... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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could I be cheeky please and as for some luck after a bit of a flap

Afibflipper profile image
29 Replies

On Friday last week I took a hard fall downstairs, my (spine & right sided from lower ribs down ) back smacked the edge of for stair and as I hit the 1st landing square on my buttock pushing my spine upwards - c 12 months on 23rd of Nov since my 3rd ablation. I took months to get back y normal health n rhythm

Not a murmur unless trying to carry something heavy then my heart thumps & bumps

this time felt different like racing, yes it was for my - from normal of 78 it shot up to 123-128 and couple of pauses then AF

Total shock, no this couldn’t be happening again.

I actually took a 2.5 beta bolocker bisoprolol (my advice is not for just anyone to try as I’ve breen on these for donkey years - so far so good NSR of 72-75 phew.

Could this be as a result of taking pain relief care for the back which eases but does not go completely, possibly some prepacked southern fried chicken didn’t check salt content

2 hours later feel a bit edgy still & stressed but hoped alls well with most of you 😊🙏🤗💕

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Afibflipper profile image
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29 Replies
Rainfern profile image

Oh Flipper what a nasty shock to have such a fall! I know it, I had a similar fall on the stairs a year or two ago and it leaves the whole body feeling scrambled. And hurting of course.

It sounds to me like you had a bit of an after-shock with that raised heartbeat. That’s completely normal while the whole system settles down. Our brains need time to digest what has happened because a fall puts us completely out of control! And if we’ve had Afib it doesn’t take much for a moment of worry to feed the fear and to lift the HR even higher.

It sounds like you did the right thing taking the meds as a safeguard. I’ve got an old stock of propranolol I’m keeping for similar circumstances- just knowing they’re there brings the heart rate down!!

Wishing you good luck for healing and staying in NSR. Do take plenty rest and whatever helps you relax. Be kind to you! xx

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to Rainfern

Thanks Rainfern, more of a shock that this happened a week after the fall! More so during sleep last night woke up screaming holding the bed headboard with one hand and then grabbed my husbands arm like it was the banister shouting “don’t let me fall on these stair again - back to drama days (and nights) but the heart seem fine this morning I 🧐 🙏 🤞

I hope you are keeping well, haven’t been on the site for a while xx

Rainfern profile image
Rainfern in reply to Afibflipper

Very glad to hear your heart is good this morning 😀🙏💐 xxx

Gumbie_Cat profile image

Wishing you lots of luck. It does sound like the shock of falling could cause that - and it’s good that it reverted so quickly.

Did you get those bumps and bruises checked out at A&E?

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to Gumbie_Cat

Hello Gumbie_Cat - it’s a week since the fall to the heart flips - I did go to A&E, spent 4 days on crutches in agony - they didn’t xray because I could just about bend but very painful and to touch - she could see the line on my back where I’d hit it and the pain and said it’s going to take time to heel itself. They got me to see a physio there too - I was shock I wasn’t black & blue with the Apixaban - I think it’s prob collected inside. I’ve had that before when I had a haematoma twice, one was just a huge lump the other the leg didn’t go black & blue for a good few days - I hope the apixaban is actually working!!!

Thanks for your good wishes, Hope you’re doing well xx

Gumbie_Cat profile image
Gumbie_Cat in reply to Afibflipper

Oh, I’m glad you went - especially with the apixaban and chance of haematomas. I’m fine - and rather glad that I live in a ground floor flat now 😂 Though it’s likely contributed to my lack of exercise for 31 years…

My three Edinburgh children are all in third floor flats - slow walking up for me, and taking care on the way down after reading your post!

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to Gumbie_Cat

Most definitely- I’ve done more walking this year and the doing stairs but I guess they are good for us - “slowly slowly catchy monkey” as the saying goes! We have 5 that go down then a small square, turn then another 8. - maybe I should invest in a set of climbing ropes, hooks & harnesses! 😂 I actually went to the theatre a couple of weeks ago, Ranulph Fiennes talking about his climbs up and down Everest (if I’d have known this would happen I would have asked his advice 😂). Keep as active as you can & take care - lovely to hear from you xx

Gumbie_Cat profile image
Gumbie_Cat in reply to Afibflipper

One daughter’s flat has really steep and narrow stairs, luckily very well lit. It does make me take extra care - a tenement stone stair would be no fun to fall down.

Threecats profile image

Goodness Flipper, that sounds painful! I’m not surprised you feel edgy and stressed and your heart rate whizzed up after that shakeup. What a shock to your system that was! Your adrenaline levels must have been through the roof I would imagine. It sounds like taking that bets-blocker was a good idea in the circumstances and I’m glad to hear your heart rate has calmed now. Plenty of rest needed now and, as Rainfern has said, be kind to yourself and don’t go pushing yourself into carrying on as normal until you’ve fully recovered x

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to Threecats

Thank you Threecats - I don’t think I explained too well that the fall was last Friday and the AF attack was last night so a week apart!!! Mind you I guess the shock is still there as I don’t like the stairs anymore at all - dreamt I was falling again & grabbed my husband in his sleep - 😂 but shouting “don’t let me falls down these stairs again”. Crazy lady 😂

I hope you are doing ok, haven’t been on this site for a while but often think of everyone - I’m just so busy xx

Threecats profile image
Threecats in reply to Afibflipper

I’m fine thank you and you’re not crazy at all Flipper, although your husband might beg to differ😂 I’ve recently read a book called “The Body Keeps The Score” all about trauma and it’s physical and mental effects, often manifesting a long time after the traumatic event itself,. I’m not surprised you’re having nightmares and your ticker is reacting a bit after the event. I’m sure it will all settle as your brain processes what happened . Either that or you’ll have to move to a bungalow😀

Take care and maybe no more stair acrobatics! xx

Finvola profile image

A nasty experience for you and it's good that your bones survived it. The shock of a bad fall takes some time to recover from - rest, rest and rest needed and plenty of TLC.

Just a thought, did you take ordinary painkillers or an anti-inflammatory such as Ibuprofen? NSAIDs are the only pain-killing tabs that I know can cause AF.

Best wishes.

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to Finvola

Hi Finvola, hadn’t thought of the bones however I do take Vit D supplements as last year I was found to be extremely deficient - at least they are doing their job. I also take lots of immunity boosting vitamins/minerals & also natural anti inflammatory stuff as I have painful OA. I wouldn’t take prescription anti inflammatory med due to the apixaban but I was on codiene and then Tramadol - I just didn’t understand why it took a week for the heart to do that - that’s more or a scare than the fall I think. Thanks for your good wishes and hope you are currently well xx

Cha275rL profile image

Oh no, what a fright you must have had. Oh I’m so sorry to hear that.

I think you did exactly the right thing, but I’m sure it could take some time for your body to settle after something like that. I have osteoporosis and have broken several bones in the last five years, and even if you didn’t break anything, the shock of falling downstairs is enough to start up the AF for a while.

Take care of yourself, and let us know how you are. Xx🥰

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to Cha275rL

Hi Cha275rL, thanks for your kind words. Osteoporosis , does Vit D & calcium help that? My friends mother has it and has broken both hips due to it - I’ve heard but don’t quote me, if you have it to try to prevent or to stoop it getting worse - that act of walking apparently somehow stimulates the bones into strength if themselves - something to do with weight baring exercising walking but not cycling etc something heard a long time ago - obviously some people are not able to do this - as a child we never look at our parents or grandparents and see what we may be heading for do we! Thanks you for making contact and hope you stay well xxx

Cha275rL profile image
Cha275rL in reply to Afibflipper

Well I’ve been prescribed alendronic acid which I take once a week, and vitamin D tablets every day. I used to walk miles every day but can’t at the moment because my husband has MND and needs a lot of help. Don’t think this is my year for luck somehow. Xxx 😬

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to Cha275rL

I’ve heard of Alendronic Acid, never actually looked it up! 😔re - your bit about ‘not being your year of luck’ - has this been the year the initial diagnosis year of the MND was made? I hope you are both still able to make some lowly memories for each other. if you have children or different family members who have been pretty close and continue to visit, maybe if your husband is able, maybe you can all tell stories of happy times together! When you each meet up reiterate you each met each other and through what process was that? Do you have a video camera that could be put on a table and you put the date on to each opening session introduce by name and go in to story mode. Friends can be chatting, it doesn’t need to be pointing at anyone in particular but, for your family and friends to tell how they love your husband, love you & each other as family or friends etc I just love getting this out as an idea to make memories as people never think of things like that often , you may never know about your significant other and vice versa! Until maybe others point it out It is a long lasting audio book or a chat over coffee, “who remembers when ? & ……” - they add forgotten bits & so on. I was going to do one with a long standing friend of 58.5years! She knows she’s, “ my clever posh friend, she went to uni, we had different childhoods, different friends but ”and we grew up a on on the next street. Our backgrounds are and we’re very different but we still meet up when she comes from abroad

Hope you don’t mind my giving my ideas just meant to help & support xx

Cha275rL profile image
Cha275rL in reply to Afibflipper

No, quite the opposite Flipper, that’s a cracking idea.

Yes he was diagnosed this year, but it took almost a year to find out what was wrong. I was saying this wasn’t my lucky year because of that, and the fact that I fell and broke the two bones above my ankle earlier in the year, and couldn’t put any weight on it for ten weeks. This was when my husband was quite unwell, so I got a dining room chair and slid round the kitchen on it cooking the meals. What a nightmare. However I’m ok again.

Thanks for your ideas, will certainly be putting them into practice. xxx

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to Cha275rL

🤗- you’d have maybe found a computer chair easier to glide around the kitchen - they have wheels on 😂 xx

Cha275rL profile image
Cha275rL in reply to Afibflipper

It would, but not got one. 😬

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to Cha275rL

Skateboard 🛹 🤷‍♀️ 😂 x

Cha275rL profile image
Cha275rL in reply to Afibflipper

Ha ha, an old bird like me on a skateboard! 😂😂

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to Cha275rL

I’ll photo bomb on mine 😆

Ludham profile image

hi flipper have been wondering how you were getting on as we have not been in touch for sorry to hear of your fall apart from the pain and bruising it have really shook you up.that’s probably why you had the night mares - hubby beware!after all you went through last year this is all you need.

Take care and look forward to hearing you are back to normal and pain free.

Take care no more falls!

Best wishes xx

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to Ludham

Hi Ludham, same here, hoped you’re both doing well. Hope you aren’t in the way of this storm that’s brewing. I just was scared it was all coming back to haunt me when I saw AF on the watch - hopefully all is calm - just a warning to take care 😆 thanks for your kind words - do keep in touch xx

jeanjeannie50 profile image

These things just happen out of the blue, don't they! All designed to drive us mad (as if we need any help).

Wishing you the best of luck and a speedy recovery.

Jean xxx

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to jeanjeannie50

Thank you so much Jeanjeannie, Scare us and drive us mad too, bit of an unwanted adrenaline fix! Hope you are doing ok xxx

bassets profile image

Sorry to hear of your fall. Good luck with your recovery x

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to bassets

Thank you, hope you are keeping well x

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