hi you lovely people. I sometimes see posts about people worrying or getting anxious about holidaying abroad when they’ve been diagnosed with AFIB. It’s easy for me to say just get your cases packed etc , and I have said this in the past on here, but Iv been in Spain for 10 days now and 4 days left.! and it’s really hot especially for this time of year. Iv been on decent long walks. Rock fishing, chasing grandson around on beach etc etc and guess what.????? Iv had 2 bouts of AFIB short lived 1 hour episodes. Also A few hours of ectopics on and off thrown in for good measure.😡
but it’s still great being away, Iv had a couple of lay downs to recuperate, drank plenty water and always kept hydrated, but haven’t kept out of the sun as much as I could have done maybe???, even with factor 50 plastered on. !!!
I’m still loving every minute of our holiday so try not to worry too much about the AFIB and have a nice time.
Best wishes