In researching what supplements will help my 93 yr old mom's heart (afib has returned after two ablations that kept her afib-free for 14 months), I found a study on Berberine. She's currently on Tykosin and would stay on Tykosin, but that eventually becomes ineffective (sometimes as soon as 6 to 12 months). I have read many heart-healthy benefits of Berberine, plus other benefits overall (such as lowering cholesterol and blood pressure). Her cardiologist is not familiar with it so I sent him a link to one of the studies. He doesn't endorse it, nor object to it, but states she needs an EKG after a few days of starting Berberine to check QT waves. Anyone here have experience with Berberine and has it helped keep the heart in sinus rhythm? Other input? Thank you
Has anyone tried Berberine (supplemen... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Has anyone tried Berberine (supplement) for Afib?

Interesting drug that seems to warrant more study. Been used with Traditional Chinese Medicine for a long time. If your mom ends up taking it, please let us know how it works out. Good advice from cardio to check QT waves shortly after starting. That's what they do at least in the US with some anti-arrythmic's like Flecainide.
I have just bought some to help with digestion but havnt started taking it yet. I didn't know that it's supposed to be beneficial to the heart too. I wonder if it's good for vagal af then which i have! I had better start taking it and find out. Thanks for the information. Lynn🤗
Let us know beneficial or other wise 🙏.
Barmy bat syndrome has taken hold of me!🦇 I just looked at the tablet packet and it's Betaine I'm taking. Apologies. However, I just looked at the benefits of berberine and it is reported that it benefits so many things, that I'm going to try it. My ordering finger is ready.👇😁
It can upset the GI system if taken too much too soon. Supposed to start at lower dose for a week before taking more. My thought was to just give my mom 500mg once a day...
Lynn, yes there are various studies and articles. Here's a summary:
Thanks for the interesting question. I’d be very interested to find out more about berberine and AF. Can you point me to the study you mentioned, or any further information? Many thanks
Hi gooseeggs, i tried berberine for a month with no discernable benefit, having said that maybe the brand which i cant remember wasnt that good, with supplements are we really getting whats used in studies .