During a recent afib episode, I was on the phone with my EP's nurse. She mentioned that some of their patients claim that drinking Gatorade helps their afib. I plan to question her further about this at my appointment next month, but in the meantime I thought I might try an electrolyte drink - probably not Gatorade due to the sugar content but something similar. I was wondering if anyone has found this type of drink helpful in minimizing afib and, if so, have you used it on a regular basis or just during afib episodes? Thanks for any advice!
Electrolyte Drinks for Afib - Atrial Fibrillati...
Electrolyte Drinks for Afib
Hi I do struggle to get replies on this what would I experiance if having an episode I am in permanent af poppey storey
I dont care for gatorade but I do keep low sodium V8 juice in hand, it is high in potassium, magnesium etc
Thanks, Hoski - do you drink it daily or just during an afib event?
I keep it on hand in cans for a fib events but also like it, dont necessarily drink it daily but probably 3-4 times a week.
Coconut water helps me.
Interesting, I often have episodes when my stomach is upset so my electrolyte balance is probably upset.
I regularly have an electrolyte drink after exercise and also at times when I feel like I might be dehydrated ie particularly hot day or just missed out on taking on fluids generally.
I can’t say for certain that it is preventing AF, due to the nature/ frequency of previous episodes but I have been AF free since my ablation a year ago
I use an electrolyte tablet (High5 Zero - no caffeine) mixed with water
P.s I also have one of these drinks after an evening drinking beer (I know, don’t judge, it works for me)
I've had them when I've had severe gastroenteritis and knew I was massively dehydrated after 6 hours on the loo (both ends) and they helped a lot. Not really thought about them with AF.
Interesting Judy, thank you for sharing. Will keep that in mind.
Gatorade seems to help when I'm having heart palpitations.
Probably worth looking at your dietary intake to make sure you are getting at least the recommended daily amount of all of the electrolytes. If you have any history of kidney problems you need to seek expert medical advice before taking electrolyte supplements
There is an electrolyte packet called OREDA R.O, I purchase at pharmacies! Just add water! Much less expensive than Gatorade!
Gerolsteiner mineral water is great for proper hydration and has no sugar and 0 calories. DripDrop is a powdered hydration supplement that one of my physicians recommended.
I find hydralite really helps my afib symptoms. 2 tablets in water before bed.
Hi Judy, I have struggled with A-fib for years having two to three episodes a week. I had heard that electrolyte imbalances might trigger A-Fib, so a month ago I started drinking a glass of water with a NUUM tablet in it once a day. I haven't had a hint of A-fib since I started doing this. CVS carries NUUM tablets.