Hi I have had afib since 2019 with only two bad episodes and being hospitalised. I’ve not had much in between. Over the last couple of months I’ve had more episodes and the last week on and off, maybe a hour or maybe lasting four hours and especially when resting. I’m also perimenopausal which I don’t think is helping. I was given flecanide as a pip and have never used it. Yesterday I had three episodes while resting and gave in to taking it. I’m due to fly to Budapest for 1 week tomorrow and not sure what to do. Do people on here think flecanide is safe to take.
First time using Flecanide: Hi I have... - Atrial Fibrillati...
First time using Flecanide

I have taken Flecainide for more than 30 years with no problems both as a daily dose and PIP and have travelled regularly abroad
As long as you are following guidance from you EP you should be fine.
For me it had made my life significantly better.
Having said that - we are all different so the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Thanks so much for replying, so good to hear someone getting on so well with this medication. I’m hoping it will settle and maybe I can just go back to use if as pip but think maybe for the week while I’m away I might just take 50mg twice daily. My consultant said in the past he was happy for me to take 100mg twice daily.
I take 100mg twice a day.
Hi Pete
Have you ever had any side effects with it?
Non that I have been aware of.
As you will be aware there is normally a long list of side effects on the leaflet supplied with the tablets many of which could be attributed to The medication. It is very difficult to definitively associate anything experienced with the tablets being taken.
All I know is that for me Flecainide has been very effective in controlling my AF furthermore when used to cardovert an AF episode it has worked nearly every time.
I assume you’ve had the relevant tests before Flecanide was prescribed ie echocardiogram and ECG? Were you given a dose at hospital under supervision? If these tests were some time ago it might be worth finding out if you need them repeated, but if you’re going away next week it’s not very likely that you’d have them any time soon. If you’ve been having more episodes recently you might need to re-think how you’re going to manage them.
I’m assuming your previous tests were OK, but it’s really your decision. Do you have any rate control medication such as a beta blocker? That can help prevent your heart beating too fast during AF and might be enough if the AF doesn’t go on for too long. You can also use BB as a PIP.
Thanks for your kind reply. I had lots of tests when I was diagnosed in vegas in 2019 but nothing since. It’s been so hard to see my cardiologist, even privately. I’m trying to arrange an echocardiogram after my break. The one I had done in vegas showed my heart was structurally sound along with a stress test too. I’m hoping that is still the case Thank you once again
hi corkel
I’ve taken it for years….started at 200……but just on low dose now. I saw it as a game changer in my early times…I have traveled lots…...I’d not spend any time worrying about it, it’s quite a popular drug they use for afib
Thanks Sue I have decided to take 50mg twice daily although my EP did say I could take 100mg daily. It’s going good for now and hope it will continue to do so until I get back from my holiday.
Hi Donna, try not to worry about goung away on a trip….. I think the fact we are goung away makes us worry but in reality it’s only a normal day isn’t it….just with a few airport jiggles.
So get to airport mega early and settle in, give yourself no stress. Make sure rest when u arrive, feet up…settle down… the thing is try and Just ignore afib…shut it out…cos why would it attack in a holiday rather than a normal week….somebody here said that to me years ago and I thought…er true..why would afib say hey you’re on holidays I’m attacking!
l see flecainade is a good helper in my mind. Helped me mega.
Enjoy your holiday, take it easy dint rush st airport
I think you will find mixed views and experiences and ‘safe’ is not a word you can associate with any drug - even aspirin IMHO.
It is about 12 years since my experiences with Flecainide and my GP insisted that I was medically supervised for a few hours because like any drug it can cause that which we seek to remedy. Having said that, I had no serious immediate reaction and continued to use 300mg, highest PIP dose, for several years until episodes became very frequent so then daily - 200 mg/daily with another 100mg if episode came. Eventually the AF broke through.
It certainly helped the very symptomatic episodes and taken within an hour of AF episode starting and taken on an empty stomach (taken on a full stomach I could be very nauseous) would usually stop an episode within a few hours. The after affects would leave me very fatigued and feeling quite unwell for 2-3 days but I was never sure if that was the results of the drug or the AF. After stopping all drugs I found I felt better but still had fatigue for several days so I do think it can take some people some time to recover whatever you do.
Taken long term it is known to cause other arrhythmias and interruptions to heart rhythm such as LQT - which should be screened for and has the potential to cause AFlutter which is why a Beta Blocker is often prescribed along side Flec. My EP did notice some signs of both LQT and AFlutter happening.
As for travelling, no problem as long as you have good and appropriate medical cover for the country you are visiting and have declared AF.
When taking any drug one has to weigh up whether the benefits outweigh the risks and for most people, most of the time Flecainide will improve quality of life - but it won’t cure AF and often AF will break through. Obviously you want to talk to your doctor and you don’t say what dose you were asked to start at but I would say take the lowest dose that is affective for you and then work upwards.
I hope that is a fair and full assessment - Autumnleaves made some very good comments.
Hi hope you have a lovely holiday ! Am
In same position given as pip but not taken yet . Please let us know how you get on
Aaw thank you for replying peony.
Yea it’s a scary thing isn’t it. I’ve been tempted to give them ago now for a couple of years but just found it scary. I am now taking 50mg twice daily at least for my holiday and when I get home reduce them and see how things go. It’s seems good for now , fingers crossed
Thanks once again
Donna .
Hopefully you should be fine taking it as PIP and you will enjoy your holiday. If you keep getting breakthroughs it would probably be a good idea to see a doctor afterwards. I hope all goes well.
Thanks for replying. It’s doing good at moment, decided to take a lower dose of 50mg and I’m doing ok. I’m booked in to have the mini maze in Japan in January, so hopefully won’t need to take or too long
I’m in Budapest for a week for the F1 so a busy couple of days and then some chilling time.
Thank you once again.
I’ve taken flecainide since 2018 snd have found it my miracle drug. I take 50mgs twice a day.
I was in hospital for a leg operation last year and had afib/tachycardia attack and they just said take whatever you think!! !!!!!!
I took an extra one and felt better within an hour
Take them with you on holiday perhaps use as a pip but if persists carry on with your prescribed dosage
I guess no time to get in touch with your EP now but try to just enjoy your holiday, you might not need them
Thank you for your kind reply. I have started to take 50 mg twice a day instead of 100mg. It seems to be doing the trick. I’m in Budapest for the F1 so I’m going to have a couple of long days, so thought best it might work better for me than pip. I’m going to stop when I get back home to see how things go. Will I have to wean myself off do you know?
Thank you so much.
Drug help me a lot . Its stops my episodes. Sometime i need only 50 to stop
Thank you for replying. It’s nice to hear that some of you have been helped by flecanide. I’m away now and have started taking 50mg twice a day. I’m in nsr at the moment, so long May it continue.
Thank you
I took it for 10 months twice a day whilst wating for an ablation. Just prior to this I was in high rate AFIB ( 165 - 195bpm) for the best part of 8 days. A flecainide infusion ( IV) stopped the AFib. The only AFib attack I had after that was when I forgot to take my evening dose, woke up the morning after and went into AFib walking downstairs!Be sure to take a rate control drug with flec. It can cause other arrhythmias