I have had a far better week than last with full days of no episodes but a few days of longer episodes. Went into AF yesterday around 5pm It didn’t stop so took a Flecanide at 11pm before bed. Woke in the night still In AF but woke this morning in sinus. AF returned an hour later and at almost 1pm is still here. I am feeling fine. No high hr settling at mid 70’s. Can’t feel anything leaping around in my chest either but watch says AF. Question do I need another flecanide if I am feeling ok? When do I need to take another if I do? Is it safe not to take one? I have taken my blood thinner daily. Wondered what others do in this situation. I know you can’t give advice on meds but be interesting to see how long I can sit it out for if it’s not dangerous.
to take Flecanide today or not - Atrial Fibrillati...
to take Flecanide today or not

I'm in constant AF and my heart rate goes anything from 60-90bpm but mostly in early 70's and have been that way for almost 5 years. Like you I feel fine and am so used to being that way that I don't worry now. You don't say what dose of Flecainide you're taking? Are you just taking it on its own or alongside a beta blocker? Or do you take it as a pill in the pocket?
It’s 100mg as a pill in the pocket. I thought I had to take it to make the af go away and that if it didn’t I then take another up to three in a day. The thing is I don’t have any pain dizziness high heart rate or high bp. My only concern is that the af might become permanent if I don’t take it but reading the leaflets just says this is normal for af to creep in for the first three months.
I think these drugs are for symptom relief, so if you have few symptoms, I would ask your GP for whether to take it or not. There are so many variations on a theme in AF owing to background heart issues that advice on such a potent drug would not be sensible.
My elderly friend, now 91, has had persistent AF for very many years with a rate around 80bpm and is well enough, taking only warfarin for anticoagulation.
Thank you Steve. I have no symptoms. Heart rate is fine and so is BP. I keep thinking my watch is sensitive 😊
GPs vary so much in their understanding of AFand associated medications though...
You say feeling OK then your usual flec is holding out synptoms.
Think of it od experiencing pain or not.
You haven't got symptoms so leave off. Some folks go through bad symptoms and hold off.
I would say that the least meds the better.
You are feeling confident so go with it. Put your gadgets away until you have symptoms.
cherio jOY. 75. (NZ)
Thank you Joy. It woke me with a few thumps this morning but apart from that I feel good. It’s great to hear others views Thank you
Reading yours again it sounds like your heart is trying to do the opposite to what it is doing. AF and now trying to revert into normal rhythm or normal rhythm being tugged into AF.
Only you know what it was prior to the tugs.
Seems to me its going on a tangem run.
I had 3 of those for the first time and I've had 5 years of persistent AF. But with none of those types of symptoms.
Take care. Let your body heal.
cheri JOY
What you forgot to tell us is that you are only a few weeks away from having had an ablation. Have you read the AF Association leaflets about what happens and what you should do after an ablation? I haven't had an ablation, so can't advise. Generally I go on how I feel.
If I was in your shoes I would take a second and third (if necessary) flecainide (300mg in 24 hours is the limit). Unless you have positively decided you are just going to accept being in afib. Also, with the frequency of your afib episodes you probably should discuss with your cardiologist taking flecainide every day, not just as a pill in pocket.
Oh I didnt realize about the ablation blanking period. Well if you are confident its going to revert on its own then I guess thats a reasonable option. Although if it went on for days you might wish you had stopped it at the outset, so its a gamble really. Three months out from an ablation it would be reasonable to be taking flecainide daily to keep these episodes at bay.