Anyone had cardioversion while pretty much awake? I had sedation going on but was fully aware when it happened. Interesting experience to say the least. Just wondering if that was a standard experience of it or maybe I just got unlucky that I woke up?
Cardioversion: Anyone had cardioversion... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Never been awake for any of mine, apart from the one I had to fake for a film .lol 😁
if you mean with paddles; I only had cardioversion by means of medication via cannot relate...sorry, it sounds scary to me...but I am a bit of a chicken when it comes to medical procedures...
Out cold for mine, but that's how they like us in the US Was it painful at all for you?
There wasn't really time to feel pain. The paddles came in and then it felt like what I imagine if feels like to be shot. I think my body folded in half.
Was out cold for all of my cardioversions. They were once going to give me one in A&E without any sedation whatsoever. I reverted back to normal sinus rhythm before they could do it, thank goodness. Think I was scared back.
Was given propofol, quickly went under, they did the cardioversion, don't remember it, woke up shortly thereafter, it was immediately a success, no pain at any point in the procedure. Had arterial flutter, back to normal for maybe 10 months now. Very glad I did it. Thank you Mercy Heart Center Sacramento.
I was out for my two cardioversions but the cannula was incorrectly inserted luckily the doc redid it otherwise i might have felt it ? Surely they check you are sedated