New kid on the bloc!!
Recently in hospital with AF first time!(such a surprise!) Then UnstableTachy/Brady Syndrome diagnosed . Prescribed Apixiban 5mg twice daily and Bisoprolol 1.25 daily.
An angiogram showed no heart damage slightly enlarged left atrium. A mention of a Pacemaker was mumbled!
After two weeks my GP took me off Bisoprolol as my HR average 42. I have been off 2weeks and my HR averages about 46-50 happier with that. (Although I did ten minutes ironing and my HR increased to 80 maybe because I don’t like ironing!)
I am seeing the Consultant who performed the Angiogram (NHS) tonight in a clinic. (privately) as I need to know what the outcome of my 10 days in hospital meant? Need to talk Bradycardia and his views/plans for the future?? I need to know when I can return to my my many sporting activities! It feels sad that to get answers re my hospital experience a month ago I have to pay!!
Has anyone views on Bradycardia and Pacemaker,?