Hi all. I had a cryo ablation last September (2022). Following the procedure I stayed on daily meds of 120 Diltiazem and 100 Flecainide controlled release capsule. At my 4 month review and being in NSR (no AFib) and feeling great, I was advised to stop taking the Flec.
Over the course of 10 days I weaned myself off the Flec, while continuing the Diltiazem. I then went 8 days no Flec, only to go into AF after a hectic day at work. Took a PIP Flec, rested and went back into NSR approx 3 hours later. I resumed the Flec for a week, and then tried going without the Flec only to go back into AF, this time after only 2 days. Once again reverting back to NSR a couple of hours following PIP Flec. Therefore went back to taking the controlled release Flec. However feeling fragile, ectopics, palpitations and feeling that I could flip back into AF at any time.
Spoke with specialist at at Cardiology dept, who increased my daily dose to 200mg Flec in the controlled release capsule. I have been on this now for last 3 months, feeling good, just a bit fatigued at end of day (physical job, farming). Wore a holter for 5 days. This has come back with NSR for the whole 5 days but a diagnosis of borderline first degree heart block. I have been advised to go back to the 100mg Flec.
Therefore is this first degree heart block a result of the Flec? Does borderline mean early stages?
The other change I've noticed is that my HR while sitting quietly used to be approx 65 bpm. Now it's approx 55bpm. During sleep, my wearable device says I go down to approx 47bpm through out most of the night. I'm getting a good 6 to 7 hours sleep every night.
I'm 51 years old (male) weighing 69kg. During the day my pulse goes up to mid 140 when doing physical work, but quickly drops back to 55-65 when I take a breather.
My specialist at Cardiology has put in a request for a touch up ablation (RF this time to try and zap any rouge signals) with aim to stop the Flecainide. New Zealand public hospital system is very similar to UK system, so likely a 6 month wait if referral is accepted.
Any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Blake